Saturday, December 2, 2023

Slow progress on the 12th generation

Worked away part of the day on the 12th generation but there is a lot of new material that I did not collect earlier and I have to look up all the references but it is working out; just takes time. I think maybe another two days actually before I complete this generation. 

But I also completed the Pincombe-Pinkham Newsletter and published it online on the yDNA website at FT DNA. The main discussion was on the planned book. I have six elements that I discussed in terms of how to do certain aspects of it, naming the book, what I hope to achieve and a couple others. Then a discussion on the value of DNA in surname studies. It still ended up being over 30 pages because I am gradually publishing my transcriptions in this case Landkey and North Molton. 

Broke up my work sessions with my exercise sessions so the day went along very well. I think that this process is working very well for me. The learning curve has been good preparation for writing the next two books. 

The day did pass very quickly though I must admit. Hopefully this last section will not take too much longer as I would like to get into the proofreading and indexing. The Book although fascinating does need to be finished as my mind is slipping away towards the Pincombe and Blake books. Too tempting for sure. But overall it has been interesting to work through all these generations and to actually link Robert Siderfin and his wife Elizabeth Question back to their correct line in the family tree. 

Snow was promised but not sure that we will get very much. It would be nice to get out skiing but it is just the start of December so not really an expected happening. 

Breakfast soon and a new day of work.

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