Wednesday, December 27, 2023

Snow all gone; perhaps later this week more snow

 Publishing the Third Generation of the Siderfin Family today was a step not taken before when James Sanders wrote his book back in 1912. I am not sure why he decided to ignore the will of Robert Siderfin written 19 August 1627 and probated 31 Jan 1627 (old style) and now referred to as 31 Jan 1627/28 generally but I usually just write in old style because my mind is just comfortable thinking that way. His reference to Mary his daughter may have been the reason because we never find a daughter named Mary but I am suspicious that Elizabeth was Mary Elizabeth. But the rest of the will is so much his family and I have outlined in this latest serialization of The Siderfin family of West Somerset the logic I used to deduce this as Robert 3's will (revsion and update of James Sanders earlier book History of the Siderfin Family of West Somerset). He could have missed it living in South Molton, Devon as it was probated in London and probably copies were with the youngest son of Robert 3 namely Thomas 4 who was one of the executors along with his mother Christian. It doesn't actually make a huge difference in the entire look of the Third Generation; just left loose ends before that could have been tied into the Fourth Generation. 

Another dull day with Global Warming once again being felt the worst in polar countries like Canada. One must try to look on the bright side as the wealthy people of the world slowly give up their greed and let the peoples of the world work on how to overcome global warming. I hate to say that it is wealth that drives this inability to be efficient and practical as we work against global warming but it is. People who want to "drill, drill, drill" are part of that. Use of fossil fuels only increase this decline ever the more rapidly. Saying that we have to extend the limit when we will reach goals so that more people can make much more profit doesn't work. The world will just not be there for the greatest percentage of the people of the world and there is a strong possibility that no one will survive. But interestingly the fauna and flora of the world will adjust, mutate and still be here simply because they do do that - they adjust and change to face the onslaught of conditions created by whatever means. The extinctions that have preceded us in this world are a true sign of that. 

One wonders if the Houthi Rebels attacking ships entering the Red Sea was simply to drive up the price of oil which benefits Iran but especially Russia as it continues its barbaric attack on Ukraine. 

Just a few more days and it will be 2024. How exciting; I do always find the movement forward into a New Year to be the high point of the functional year but not the religious year that I celebrate. That comes later when Easter arrives and the fulfillment of the prophets of the Old Testament happened long ago but the meaning has been part of my heritage at least from the Synod of Whitby (the union of the Christian Celtic Church of the British Isles and the Roman Christian Church in 664 AD) on but probably earlier because my people lived in the south of England where Christianity came first to the British Isles. We all, religious peoples, believe in the Old Testament prophets and they will carry us through the dangers of greed both money and land that persist even into this century. But can we survive as a people with so much hate in the world I have no idea actually. Time will tell. I remain enthusiastic and ever willing to be on the side of hope even though I often sound very militaristic but then when I was a child we were militaristic in London, Ontario. We had, by the time I arrived, just two weeks after VJ day, won the wars but now we had to win the peace and that is elusive and has been ever since. Just when that plain of peace looks like we are able to be there; it slips away because of greed for land and wealth.

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