Sunday, December 31, 2023

The Last Day of December

 New Years Day is exciting but the last day of December is always somewhat nostalgic. This year I have my soon to be published and available as a free download book on the Siderfin Family of West Somerset. It is a revision and update of an earlier History of the Siderfin Family of West Somerset published by James Sanders in 1912 at Exeter, England, UK. James Sanders and I are third cousins twice removed. Our births are separate by one hundred years and we were both born into times that followed wars. Interesting actually. 

Last year January to April were months with quite a bit of snow and that could also happen this year; time will tell. But at the moment Canada is very much showing the effects of climate change and this past year has seen multi forest fires burning right across Canada. We were pretty much locked into the house for days on end during June and July due to smoke from the forest fires. It is not a good omen for sure and climate change is a predictor to much greater change if we can not get it under control worldwide. The polar regions of the planet are in greatest peril at this time. We could lose the polar bear although genes being what they are some polar bears have changed their lifestyle somewhat to accommodate the loss of permafrost and the extended season when there isn't ice for hunting seal - their diet. Our seal population is doing well perhaps as a result but the loss of the polar bear would be a significant one. 

Russian citizens felt the sting of bombs and the Psychopathic Nazi Putin is outraged. One notes a much larger and more encompassing set of drones/bombs/etc were sent to Ukraine causing much more damage than the small amount of damage in Belgorod. The aggressor pays the price except it is the citizens of Russia that are dying not Putin. Get out of Ukraine is the message. You have no right to Ukraine and if you care at all about your popularity most of the world agrees that you have no right to Ukraine. 

One hopes that the New Year will usher in a better attitude and perhaps an end to violence. That means that the current Nazis Putin and Hamas will lay down their arms and get out of the countries where they are causing trouble. 

Today I continue with my proofreading of the Siderfin book. I have now published up to the end of the Fifth generation. I have done a second proofread to the end of the Seventh generation and will carry forward from there. I would like to put the full copy of the book up very soon on my website. It will be available for download and should be around 5 MB as an *.pdf document. The creative commons licence means that it is possible to revise and update the contents under the rules mentioned in the licence since other people are certainly researching Siderfin. 

I will soon begin the Pincombe and Blake books.

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