Friday, December 1, 2023

The Thomas line in the 12th Generation

I finally reached the Thomas line and part way into it now. Hopefully I will complete the 12th generation today. The book grows in length with all the additions but it may shrink a little in the appendices but still the indexing will add to the total. But gratefully it continues forward and the end is in sight sometime in December one hopes. It is a good practise for the books on Pincombe and Blake for sure. I can already see ways that I can make that a cleaner production. I will be working from scratch as well since no books have been published on the Pencombe or the Blake families that I am looking at other than just short lengths of family. 

Lovely snow in the morning yesterday but gone pretty much by mid afternoon. It is not yet winter; still fall and plenty of time for the snow to come for sure. But today is the first day of December and the Pincombe-Pinkham Newsletter is nearly complete just a little more to do and I will publish that probably this morning at some point on the website. It does look at the book to come with some thoughts on what should be in there. I mostly know about my own line coming down from the Pincombe family at Bishops Nympton and North Molton but I have learned a lot about the other lines all of which come down from North Molton into South Molton and then heading west towards Barnstaple. It was a slow progression generation by generation as the Pincombe family moved out from North Molton. 

Although I am a political person; I do love politics for sure I am going to try to stay away from some of that because I am waiting for the bright lights of the younger generation to move into politics. Not the Hamas types for sure; people think it is trendy to support these Satanistic people saying they are helping the Palestinian people. But the reality is that the Palestinians are colonials and nomads who finally found a place to settle but one must work with the First Peoples in any country in order to balance the, in this case the Palestinians, need for a place to live and the rights of the people who have lived there for thousands of years. The idea of a dead zone of 1 kilometre in the Gaza strip next to Israel is a good one. It provides a level of protection for Israel that can be readily managed both above ground and below. If the Palestinians want to succeed they need to get rid of the Hamas types in their population because they only have one aim - annihilation of Jews and then the Christians are next make no mistake thinking otherwise (and anyone not born Muslim is not truly Muslim to these haters). They are sick people and their ideas can not propagate in our schools of learning. They must be eliminated as a force that reacts (like the defacement of the store in Toronto or the ridiculous marches on our streets) but the learning and knowledge about them is important so we know what to avoid in our own population's growth. These Hamas type people will use any means to cause trouble. The whole story needs to be written; not just the parts that Hamas uses. When I was a child the Palestinians were killing children in Israel and it must stop. The difference between then and now is the ability of Israel to defend itself. Yet another sin for Hamas is their use of children (much like the Satanic Hitler putting the 12 year old German children on the walls and gates of Berlin in that final defense truly a sin against the German people and it was solely Hitler's revenge against the German people because they did not win the war) in order to make a show for the world to see when these children die from taking part in activities against the Israelis. Then there are the hostages - children, women, men how disgusting Hamas is. Release all the hostages Hamas, still no report from the International Red Cross (preferably Europeans who do not have any anti-semetic tendencies) on their well being. Europe is much closer to the Middle East so is more practical. Hamas broke the truce constantly from the very start by not immediately making the hostages available to care from the Red Cross. The Geneva Convention guarantees those rights and those rights should be the first honoured rights when the Security Council of the United Nations meets. That has not been enforced. The sight of those wan fragile children and adults has been a horror to watch in actual fact. But they are resilient the Israelis and will survive another day. And Hamas taught the Israeli children how to hate by the way that the Israeli children have been treated by them when they were hostages. Be gentle and careful with the hostages Hamas, everyone of them is a gift of God and not yours to abuse.

Although I no longer have my personal roots in England the land of my ancestors it is still in my blood and probably as much as 90% of my relatives continue to live in Britain but they have moved about within the country. My little Canadian line has merged into older lines here with my husband having been 5th to 6th to 7th/8th generation Canadian and a number of generations in the New England/New York area having arrived from the Continent and the British Isles in the 1620s and continuing through that century (these first settlers coming from The Netherlands). They were settlers as they moved from New England/New York into Ontario between 1800 and the 1830s when many many Americans did come north (a few loyalists earlier but mostly in New Brunswick for him). All the knowledge of his lines before being in Canada was lost though until Edward rediscovered them. He would tell the girls about those lines and they listened but their lives were still to be lived in those days and they had other pursuits. I remember though when he put Legacy on their computer so he could put his trees on there so as not to be forgotten again. They remember it too. 

I see quite a similarity between the peoples of the British Isles and the peoples of Canada actually. The British Isles had waves and waves of migrants coming to their shores through the thousands of years; different from Canada in that most immigrants to this northern part of the continent have come in the last four hundred years and really the last two hundred and twenty five. But in the case of the British Isles the First peoples were pushed northward and westward in a similar fashion to the North American continent but some stayed in their original area if the genes tell the tale and likely they do. I believe my grandfather's ancient family married into an existing Blake family (likely the Le Blak family from Normandy (not far away in Berkshire as it shows in those early wills of the 1400s and 1500s and the Pipe Rolls and Patent Rolls of the 1200s and 1300s)) and took their then anglicized-surname of Blake because the early 1300s many British people did not yet have a surname even then. But the movement of First peoples in the British Isles is probably also the case here in Canada (some stayed and intermarried and some moved north and west) as I do not know American history on that people level that well. But many of the early French settlers married First Peoples descendants and it is possible that a lot of the early settlers (that discovery is now possible with DNA) do have First Peoples in their ancestral lines. Which is one of the thoughts that I will pursue as I look at my Blake family in Andover with the ancient y-DNA in my Blake y-DNA line. The Pincombe line is likely Celtic arriving from the Continent (there were several very large migrations from Gaul now France into England that both preceded and followed the Roman presence here - William the Conqueror being one of course) much later likely but could still be a couple of thousand years or more. I will look at that eventually but for the moment I am more interested in the Pencombe family in Herefordshire as being the original location for this family.

I did actually see the tomb and effigy of Richard Le Blak in the Rouen Cathedral in Normandy and given the dates he could have been the Richard who was given the right to set up a market in England in 1274 on the Patent Rolls. He remained in England into the early 1300s in Berkshire on the Pipe Rolls. Is he actually buried in Rouen, I have no idea but it would have been his daughter who married the John in the Andover area records. It is fascinating really when one thinks of the Ancient Celtic Church in England which bears strong similarity in the words used to the Creator here in North America. The ancient religions have the Creator very much in common. Along with the worship of the Sun, the night sky and the importance to all of them of the animals and plant life that surrounded them. That continuous line of worship from Celtic to union with the Christian Church during Roman days created the known history of the Church of England going back thousands of years.

On to the day. 

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