Saturday, December 23, 2023

Why do Palestinians make such a show of everything?

 Watched last evening as CBC interviewed an individual who is going to bring his mother, perhaps I missed the beginning of the discussion, from Gaza as soon as he can under the new government guidelines. So he whined because he thinks it should have been done weeks ago. Honestly, does he think we forget that Palestinians were out marching in our streets celebrating the attack, rape and murder and hostage taking of Jewish people on the 7th of October this year. Personally I would never extend any invitation but as a country we are welcoming; the First Peoples did welcome the French colonists when they came and even earlier when Jacques Cartier sailed up the St Lawrence River he too was welcomed. That is the kind of country we are actually and we learned it from the First Peoples likely as they are a very welcoming people. Our Governor General is an exceedingly excellent choice and does show these very warm characteristics of her people (she is Inuit). But I think whining on national television doesn't really score you any bonus points. Palestinians have been spoiling all sorts of things the last couple of months here with their parading about with their foreign flag which will forever remind me of the savage attack on the Jewish in Israel. They will probably continue since they do not appear to understand that in this country hatreds have been left behind or if they haven't they are well hidden. So enjoy your mother coming when she gets here if it was your mother; we are very polite people. Palestinians also do not appear to understand that Christmas is both a religious time and a secular time greatly valued in Canadian life and perhaps you could stay away from the malls and leave people to enjoy this time instead of badgering them unless you are spending money of course; our economy does come first! We can not do anything to stop Hamas from bombing Israel and Israel has every right to fight back. After all it is Hamas that breaks all of the cease fires. Also please do tell Hamas to release all of the hostages before they end up killing them all.

Personally I do hope that the Palestinians get to form their country which can not happen with Hamas there because they just want to annihilate Israel and use the Palestinians daily constantly to try to do so. They have no interest in Gaza becoming a Palestinian country but just a means to destroy Israel. Perhaps then Palestinians will appreciate what Israel has done for you; given you Gaza, helped you with medical care, given you jobs and I suspect the list is endless. What has Hamas ever done for you anyway but bring down bombs on you that killed you. They steal all the money that is sent to help Gaza. 

Cloudy today and minus seven degrees celsius but meant to move up to 0 degrees with a slight warming trend although snow is promised. Perhaps enough for skiing. We will see. 

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