Tuesday, January 30, 2024

Accomplishment - nil

Although I cleaned yesterday my accomplishment yesterday was absolutely nil otherwise. But perhaps that is good; great rest for the eyes. Today I must finish the cleaning - basement to do. 

Minus 6 degrees celsius out there but no snow promised particularly. Since this is our wet season when the ground receives lots of moisture that is not a good sign. Climate Change and its effects on Canada are quite disastrous really as with all polar regions. But good news the solar panels have reactivated the lander that Japan sent to the moon. Life continues if people will let it. People are so greedy.

I do still really like the idea of bringing in thousands of Palestinian children to Canada (3 to 8 and possibly to 10 years of age (depends on the child because we do not want them spouting lies such as we heard here on the streets of Canada following the despicable acts of Hamas and their sycophants on the 7th October last) as they will require minimal processing and they deserve the break from war). Surely the likely 10,000 households of Palestinians can take in a lot of children and perhaps other people would as well. Not something I would take on as it is much nicer for them to have a "foster father and mother". Giving them a chance to run and play; to learn and be free of bombing would be great. They did nothing to cause the life in which they are living (too young to effectively dig tunnels one would assume although these Satanic Hamas people might try to have them do that) and can only benefit from the opportunity. They can still be in touch with parents on a daily basis with the wonder of internet yet they will have a happier life. That would be a better way to spend our support money for Gaza; then we know it is not building tunnels/equipping war machines and threatening Israel. Or we can just give it to the Rohingya peoples who are in a much more desperate plight with very few people aiding them. 

According to the Wikipedia page on UNRWA 5.9 million people are registered with UNRWA. Who are all these people?  As of 2023 2,098,389 people live in the Gaza Strip. Why are they not working to support themselves; why do they need this support? For one thing they reduce the support per person in Gaza by 50% if they are actually all receiving support. No Islamophobia here; I just think people should work. I have worked since I was 12 (and before that I helped to look after my younger siblings and of course it was just in the summers when I was a child) and I really do not see why the fields of Gaza are not full of food being grown - wonderful climate there. It is the same soil as Israel has I would think and they grow an enormous amount of food. Tilling the soil is the least that people can do for themselves and for a young person is an easy task instead of digging tunnels or whatever else they are doing - bomb making, no ideas on that.. Tunnels everywhere but no food being grown - very strange and something has to change there obviously. Hate against peoples is a sin; laziness is a sin. God does not forgive sin which isn't overcome and removed.

Free the hostages and get out of Gaza Hamas. Hamas is evil; they are Satanic.

Other than that I am thinking about the Blake and Pencombe books. They slowly grow in my mind as I continue to search for documents to help me to prove a point or find a point to prove really. There has been little done on these families between 1200 and 1500. There is material and I just need to put it together in a rigorous fashion. Then I can begin the generation chapters. 

Are we on the cusp of war; the waiting time as my mother called it. You could feel the tension rising and then sinking down a little once more but gradually the tempo built and then it happened. That was what she said. War is horrible; so many young people die - look at Russia's illegal war against Ukraine. Now the talk is trying to deny Ukraine its right to be a country by those who support Russia or just want to steal part of Ukraine! Remember Poland and how it got divided up near the beginning of World War II; people are so greedy.  Glory to Ukraine and Israel; prayers for Ukraine and Israel. Prayers for the world which is also feeling old with Climate Change.

Teatime. Kip-Kipp Newsletter and H11 Newsletter in process.

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