Sunday, January 7, 2024

Discovered a classic proofreading error on my part

 The blogging was a good idea after all as I discovered a proofreading mistake in the 12th generation that I made reading through this 80+ page section.  It was just nine numbers actually attributed to the wrong generational level and was obvious as I glanced at it when I was preparing the blogs for the 12 th generation. So all corrected and moving on. It did take me about thirty minutes to correct it and anyone would have noticed it was out of whack! which is gratifying actually. 

I have begun the Pincombe and Blake books this past couple of days. I think it will work very well to work on them at the same time. MWF Pincombe and TTS Blake and Sunday always off so that I can go to Church (online), read the lessons and think about them with my Concordance. Just enjoy this world that God has given to us. That we could find that peace; that beautiful uplifted plain of peace. 

Prayers for Israel, for Ukraine and for the people who died/still missing in Japan after their earthquake. God let your light shine upon the peoples of the earth especially those who fight for freedom from invasion and genocide as that is the intent of Hamas/Hezbollah/Islamic Jihad  against Israel and from Russia invasion of Ukraine (Russia has been murdering Ukrainians for a very long time which is why there are 1.5 million Ukrainians in Canada and many have been here for several generations). The by-products of war - death of civilians is also very sad but civilians (in this case Palestinians) must work to eliminate the people from their society who cause the bombs to fall on them (Hamas breaks every cease-fire and bombs Israel first) and not support them. Perhaps what really needs to be understood by the Palestinians is that they are never going to return to lands that were not theirs in the first place. That the Palestinians are trying to convince our First Nations that they are like them is absolute nonsense. They have no long history in any lands as far as history shows. They are colonials. As a daughter of a colonial I can say that colonials can do a lot for a country that they come to and are a valuable infusion of new life which is always needed in God's world. They bring (unless their minds are completely corroded by hatred) fresh ideas and good work ethics and plan to support the new country. If that isn't the case then it will show and not in a nice way for sure. We already saw that with the Palestinians celebrating the Hamas attack on Israelis. There really isn't room for people like that in a country that wants to be a democracy where all can thrive.

The best of news though is that it snowed. Beautiful white snow and the world shines in God's glory - it is a very fresh world that I am looking out on today. Skiing!

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