Sunday, January 14, 2024

First week of work on the Pencombe and Blake books accomplished

I am not sure how far along I thought I might get with the beginnings of the books on the Pencombe family of North Molton, Devonshire, England (aka Pincombe, Pyncombe, Pinkham as all of these spellings amongst a few others was used by this family from the 1300s on when I first find them in Herefordshire (and I am beginning to be convinced that this family in Herefordshire did come with la Zouch to North Molton!)) and the Blake family of Andover and area, Hampshire, England but I am mostly into the Second Chapter on each. The Title page was easy somewhat although may change as it has the family crest on the front and at no time in my lines other than way back in time for the Blake family did my families use a family crest. Mostly my families were second, third, etc sons and although they could have used a crest with a difference perhaps they do not appear to have done so. So why put the crest on the book - will have to consider that but for the moment it is there. Inside the next page is reserved for the Creative Commons Licence and following that the Table of Contents, Table of Figures and List of Tables. Then the picture that I have chosen to represent that family which could also change. The Blake was easy - I have this lovely picture of my father and his parents taken in England when he was about four years of age - professionally done it is quite lovely and actually looks like the two of them that I knew - my grandfather and my father. For the Pincombe it was not as easy. There isn't a picture in existence of my Grandfather (deceased since my mother was eight years of age) with my grandmother and their children (my mother and my uncle). A number of pictures of each one of them but nothing together. For the moment I created a picture which is my grandparents at the wedding of my grandmother's youngest sister where they were the attendants I think. It looks like my grandfather but he also looked like his many first cousins so have to be careful. I added to this picture  my mother at twelve years of age just because it is a nice picture and she still looked very similar to that picture when I was a child. Then on to the Preface which was easy for both and the Acknowledgements is blank at the moment. I always think you write that last. Then into the Chapters and Chapter one was fairly interesting and easy for both although will require more footnoting which I will likely do at the beginning of next week's work. I also worked on the Second Chapter which I was really looking forward to doing. It involves a lot more work and drawing out all of the research I have done in the last fifteen years on yDNA for these lines. I have begun the Third Chapter in the Blake book because of family lore that the peoples of the British Isles are descendant of the Lost Tribes of Israel and amazingly many British families have that same lore as I discovered when I looked about online. I always believed what my grandfather/father told me but had never heard anyone else speak that way except perhaps our priest (Archdeacon Abraham) once I set myself to thinking about it. I have not yet begun the Third Chapter in the Pencombe Book as I am still mulling around the Second Chapter and how to move forward to Chapter Three which will be about the Pencombe family in Herefordshire for which I am slowly accumulating information. There are a couple of documents which I must order and I had forgotten that. Will get that done perhaps today. 

So a good week of accomplishment but I have been contemplating these books for most of last year whenever I allowed my mind to wander from the Siderfin Book which is now published and blogged almost in total as all of the generations are done and just the last few chapters to go and will be completed this week. 

Sunday I will not work on the books but rather have a day of rest for my eyes. Although I am sure I will still find myself at the computer but not quite so intently. I learned a lot working on the revision and update of the Siderfin Book. I am happy to have it completed and now online in my blogging. Eventually it will be offered to all the countries' repositories that I think might find a Siderfin family there.

When one talks about letting one's mind become involved I have certainly been like that for the last two years. Although in my soul I am deeply committed to freedom for the Ukrainians and the Israelis (in particular the hostages) I can not solve the world's problems from my desktop but prayers continue as always for both. I would also like to see the Gazan people have a state but that is up to them to create - we can not do it for them although Israel is heading themselves towards helping them but the two will need to work together as Hamas is eliminated from that picture. But Hamas will not be eliminated from the world unfortunately. The Satans of Iran/Russia/North Korea and their helpers are with us in this world and will be a challenge. Iran desires the death of all that are not Muslim like them and will use the Muslims around the world to try to overthrow our way of life by creating Gaza situations. We must be prepared for that and protect our democracies from their evil Satanic ways. Countries do become corrupted helping the Satanic peoples of the world mostly because they are greedy although they will mouth platitudes about genocide and other comments but in the long run they are greedy and see a possibility of more money for themselves by supporting satanic causes. The greatest genocide this world has ever seen was the killing of six million Jews by the Nazis. The cost of stopping that was enormous - 84,000 people in two nights of bombing in Hamburg to get Germany to stop fighting is just one of those costs and there are too many others (although there were stories of the Holocaust that emerged during the Second World War the extent of the genocide of the Jewish people was not known until the Concentration Camps were liberated as the Second World War came to an end in Europe). Satan is always there amongst us and we must cast Satan and his helpers away from us and de-fang them. They use people and we are frail; we Homo sapiens, and are easily coerced usually by greed/forced/frightened into doing what is wrong in God's world by Satanists. With all the real genocides we see happening one wonders why no cases about them - the Rohyingas, the Sudanese, the Armenians. The numbers are actually much larger of displaced and killed. If anyone is guilty of genocide in Gaza it is Hamas as they constantly put the Palestinians in harm's way in order to create hatred for the Jews and they have been doing this for nearly twenty years.

Church today online was at Manchester Cathedral. Full of singing and was a lovely service. More like what I am used to as it was High Church in its text. I will read the service for my Church later today. It is really nice to have this online Service from the United Kingdom. I had thought to wander about the world on YouTube but a chance finding a couple of months ago brought up this Church of England service and I have pretty much been with it ever since.

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