Wednesday, January 31, 2024

Newsletters moving along

 Finished the cleaning yesterday and in between (my rest periods) I worked on the data for the Newsletters. There are twenty new members of the H11 study (now 475 although some of these are Family Finder only). I have 436 sets of data mostly full mitochondrial results but maybe a dozen that are not. I need to look at the individuals in my incomplete file (not full mitochondrial results) and see if any of them has done the full test this past year and re-assign them to the appropriate subclade.

I have to work on the yDNA material for the Kipp study yet and that will be today. Between the two I shall be busy until the first of February which is the usual publication day for these two newsletters. 

The information coming out now on UNRWA is not surprising actually. There needs to be more encouragement to develop industry/commerce/food production in Gaza and none on how to make war and threatening to annihilate the Jewish people. It is a crime against the Gazan children what Hamas has done to them and that the Gazans are willing to be a part of it all is a crime against their own children by Hamas and their parents. Children should be able to grow up without all of this hatred, bitterness and war mongering. I think the suffering of the children is sad to watch daily and all caused by Hamas and their parents. 

Today continuing on the Newsletters and perhaps occasionally taking a peak at some of the items I have been thinking about with regard to the Blake and Pencombe books. I am definitely into the writing stage now and have put down on paper the ideas that I have accumulated over the past year in my daydreaming time. But now the real facts and data need to come out and fill the pages. I think my estimate of two years is good which will see completion just before Christmas 2025 for both hopefully. The generations may slow me down towards the end. I am not sure how far I will bring it forward actually. Into the Parish Registers for sure and hopefully into census time. But up to 1920 less likely as the sheer volume of the number of people might be quite daunting to individual lines to pursue their genealogy. I am not really a genealogist although trained to be one but I am a one-namer although it appears I do more than one name!

The Siderfin Book that I revised and updated has apparently been downloaded 1000 times. I have sent it to a number of repositories but still more to send it to. But it can also be downloaded from my website:

Then select Siderfin from the  list of Ancestral Names broken down into grandparent level. The Siderfin is my 3x great grandparent. Select Siderfin and then from the Siderfin Section go to the bottom of that section and the book can be downloaded : The Siderfin Family of West Somerset. 

This is a revision and update of James Sanders: History of the Siderfin Family of West Somerset published in 1912 in Exeter, England. 

Minus 7 degrees celsius and cloudy today. No snow tody and the possibility of rain or snow tomorrow. A strange winter for sure as we did not have our long cold spell in January but could see it in February. The polar areas are definitely suffering from climate change. 

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