Sunday, January 28, 2024

Pencombe Research Day and ice clearing

 Working on Pencombe and found a Richard Vyncombe G7 at North Tawton Parishe. There is also an Alexander Vyncombe, Pikeman. I did not find anyone at Tawstock, Bideford or Kings Nympton. Will continue pursuing that with other records that I have. I did find a few entries for this spelling of the surname.

A number of interesting items for Pencombe in Herefordshire that I am in the process of putting into the chapter. It waits for the Inquisition Postmortem which will likely come along in the next week or so. 

I have to decide now whether to begin the First Generation and that will depend a lot on the material that I am looking at right now. But I will continue going through the Calendar of Patent Rolls for Henry VII as I have not yet found a reference to Pencombe any spelling. 

My laneway, porch and patio are now ice free. Taking three or four days to do that made it a much easier task. In my past when Edward was no longer able to do anything like that I would go out and do the entire thing at one time although gradually I did change that to a couple of days! One learns as one ages. 

I am glad that the Prime Minister has decided to send our aid to Gaza directly.I am counting on the Secretary General of the United Nations handling this exposure of one of the subgroups as having been involved in the October 7 2023 massacre of Israeli peoples (babies, children, women and men).

Today I do not work on genealogy. I will give my eyes a good break. 

I watched a new movie yesterday called Lancaster. It reminded me of the unfortunate necessity when one is defending one's country of having to bomb the other country to get them to stop bombing you! I also remembered that the children of England were shipped off to the country and even here to Canada to keep them safe. I think it would really help Gaza if we would offer to take in a large number of young children as we did during the Second World War. That protects them from the horror of war; feeds them and keeps them safe until they can go home once again. Not sure how it would all be managed but there are perhaps 10,000 households of Palestinians living in Canada now that could take in several children and perhaps other people would do that. Give them time away from all of that horror especially the little ones (say three to ten year olds). That would be even better than sending aid to Gaza; use the money here to help the children. The advantage now a days that the children could still talk to their parents every day now with the ability of internet but still be away from the horrors of war and rebuilding itself. 

Even if peace comes quickly it would be an opportunity to give these children time away whilst the rebuilding happens. I think 3 to 10 is a vulnerable age group and they should have this opportunity to a stable quiet life. I think myself that my cheering for the death of Nazis tracked down after the Second World War is in itself  problematic (although I think they deserved it). Children should not grow up hating. They deserve a world where everyone respects everyone else. If every country that could afford to take in these children did, I think it would be a wonderful opportunity for the children. They will return to a country restored and on its way to recognition. That will take the pressure off of the inspection of this agency within the United Nations which supplies aid to countries and give lots of time for review and discussion. For Gaza to survive so long through this months long war there must have been a good deal of stockpiling and the reasons for that need to be discussed - who ordered it and why was it permitted? I believe totally in the United Nations and as a founding member we are particularly in a good position to request such a review and quickly.

Another Sunday in God's world. Time for a cup of tea. 

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