Wednesday, January 17, 2024

Screen Clean-up Day

I have not cleaned up the screen for my computer for a couple of years and it was full. Unusual for me as I like a neat tidy screen so yesterday and today I filed all of those accumulated pieces of information where they belong. I just needed to see them on the screen perhaps but now I am into the two new books and I filed everything that was for those books into the Blake Book or the Pencombe Book. Items for the Siderfin Book that I had not yet filed in that folder are now there. 

I also set up my Latin file as I want to move faster through the lessons now that the Siderfin Book is complete and I am forcing my mind away from the current affairs. I have had my say and it will not change  but repetition of events is not my way; I just move forward praying for the best. 

Today is Blake book day and I will look at the family lore that says the earliest inhabitants of the British Isles were the Lost Tribes of Israel and I know way back in my mind is the name of the Tribe that my grandfather used to mention but I am unable to bring that thought forward. Reading through some of the websites might help in that regard. I do find it quite fascinating that family lore in my family is also in so many other families. I did learn recently that one of the Chinese dynasties thought to be a myth has been proven to be real so I think one mustn't discount family lore but rather explore it. Chinese written history is the oldest in the world. They invented paper and their writing system is very ancient. Indo-European is also ancient but not quite as ancient in available material as the Chinese. 

I have a lot of work planned for the upcoming months of winter which does include publishing the Blake wills in County books which I will also send to the Guild of one-name studies (adding in the wills to the Probate Index that I have not yet submitted) and the Family History Library. I have blogged a lot of the wills but at 78 my time in this world is considerably less than I have already lived and so I must make available all of this material to others in a way that is more permanent. I actually have around 200 pages reviewed each day around the world and sometimes as high as 700 according to the statistics. I do realize that some of it is bots but probably not all as I do also get emails from people thanking me for helping them to find their families. I do not answer all of them; there are too many but I am sure they do not anticipate an answer either. 

The Blake and the Pencombe books will be my top priority though as I continue that writing which is actually going faster than I expected. Working on the Siderfin Book revision and update gave me a sort of momentum with this writing of a genealogical story of a family and I thought that it might but until I actually completed the project I was still a newbie as the only books I have been involved in in my past have been for work and only a few as long as the Siderfin Book was at 412 pages. Eventually I will get to my maternal grandmother's Buller family. I have collected quite a bit of information on this family that lived both in Birmingham and Surrey/London and time permitting will get that done as well. That leaves only my paternal Grandmother's Rawlings family and that of her father who is not listed on her birth registration although the priest named her as Ada Bessie Cotterill Rawlings and with just one Cotterill family in the village one does wonder but to date I can not confirm that.

The snow was so welcomed and the cold as we need more of our regular weather. There are some cold emergencies on some of the First Peoples lands and I am thinking in the past they would have moved to the south but now we have a border although I believe they do move readily across the border but actually setting up two homes one north and one south is not as practical for them as it once was. But I noted that they are working on better winterized homes for themselves which is good. They actually know what they need and the monies from the government should help with that. Plus they have been very industrious creating industries that produce income for them as well. I like to think of us as all one people - all Canadians but they are special because they are the descendants of the First Peoples on this land mass they call Turtle Island and we mistakenly understood it to be called Canada. As the DNA becomes better known and the archaeological sites are found and dated the times of the First Peoples in this land moves back further and further. It is really quite fascinating and I feel privileged to have listened to my Grandfather for as many years as I did and he talked about his peoples in the British Isles - he shared all he knew with me I think and it took a long time and he repeated it fortunately as I was pretty young. But knowing one's past is so important for the future. We know the errors that cause suffering and must not repeat them. 

Breakfast time; I am as always very hungry. I suppose I could eat more at night but my whole life I have mostly eaten small dinners. Some would always push me to eat more as I was a thin child in my younger days but I think light dinners are healthier and less meat and I am back to being thin again!  Running is so much easier when you are thin.

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