Monday, January 15, 2024

The Siderfin Family of West Somerset

The Siderfin Family of West Somerset is now available on my server and can be downloaded using: Siderfin Family of West Somerset - Elizabeth Kipp 4600

or paste into your browser (it works with Firefox and I haven't tried any others). 

It has been most interesting working on the Siderfin book the past two years. I have learned a lot actually and there are a lot of mysteries still in this family not yet solved as I mention in the book. Since I live in Canada and the records that would be most helpful are in England. I have only ordered and purchased the ones that helped me with linking the families as I became aware that the Pedigree Chart was not quite as it seemed and Robert Siderfin married to Elizabeth Question was not linked (nor was Elizabeth Question named as his wife but all of that is mentioned in the book). Looking at the Fonds created for James Sanders in the Devon Record Office would be a good step for anyone wanting to solve some of the mysteries. I do not know how complete his will list on the site is. The Fonds lists a number but I do not know if that is an absolute complete listing of the Fonds. 

I am trusting that he would be happy with the results of this new book as he did not actually do a genealogical listing of the generations other than in his Pedigree Chart which did have a few errors which I have corrected in as much as I am able, in the chart. I have published the book under Creative Commons Licence so that anyone can use the material and revise the book immediately if they so wish. 

I will blog the remaining part of the book over the next couple of days but access is now available as mentioned above. 

I am well into my Blake and Pencombe books which I must admit are my greater interest. 

I am in the process of filling in the form for submitting the book to the Family History Library as well so that it has a more permanent site over time given that I am over 78 years of age. 

I will also publish the Blake and Pencombe books under a Creative Commons Licence making it available to everyone. It will, like the present book not go past 1920 in the recitation of the generations. I did find the work on the 11th and 12th to be far more time consuming than I would have believed possible. I will bring the families up to the time of census at least if I am able or at least to the beginning of the Parish Registers. 

 I am back to working on my Latin as well in order to read some of the old documents for these two families that I have collected. 

This is likely a two year project as well and I look forward to doing it. 

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