Monday, January 1, 2024

The Suez Canal

The Suez Canal carries an enormous amount of trade and is vital to the commerce of the world. The Houthi Terrorists/Satanists have no right to attack ships in the Red Sea. Very pleased to see that the US has shown the world the way to deal with such individuals (the war on terror is sanctioned by the United Nations). We can not permit terrorists to restrict commerce; it is the life blood of the world. NO pampering of terrorists - they must be eliminated. We all need that - the Muslims, the Jews, the Christians, other religions/faiths/spiritualisms and the non-believers. Peace beautiful peace.

These Houthi terrorists/satanists do not count against the 138 Canadians and others murdered by the Iranian military when they shot down the plane headed to Canada. There is thus far only one death paid for in terms of count; money wise it is hard to estimate how much each of those Canadians murdered (many of them children) can be recompensed to their still grieving families. But the life count can continue until we reach 138 Iranians in the military who will be critically missed and have died as a consequence of being murdered for their part in any terrorist activity.  Altogether there were 177 individuals murdered that day and I would say 177 would be the correct number of Iranian military who must pay the price but I can not speak for other countries. 

New Years; another brand new year and we still have terrorists in our world. The war on terrorists (United Nations supported) began twenty three years ago this coming 11th of September (the date that the twin towers in New York City were attacked as well as the Pentagon in Washington, DC and a field in Pennsylvania where many of our brave people from over eighty countries of the world died in total (we don't count the terrorists who caused these attacks - they are satanists). Such mass murder can never be forgotten. 7 October last year the murder of Israeli babies, children, women and men in sadistic, heinous and barbaric ways with over 1200 dead at the hands of Hamas terrorists but the value on those individuals is going to be much higher as the future died with them and it must also be recompensed. From now on; all such attacks should be regarded in that way - the future of the murdered counts. 

A beautiful sunrise today and it is minus 8 degrees celsius which is not good with the snow cover missing. Climate change is at its worst in polar countries. We do need that snow cover to protect the plants/grasses/tree roots from the extreme cold that will come in this month of January and February. 

On to the day; more proofreading I am proofing the 10th generation now of the Siderfin Family and completed. 

We did get to celebrate Christmas as a family finally although my daughter was on call and a hospitalist for the entire week (which is the same for many other physicians in Canada). It was a long week though and included days working in the ER as well. We had a lovely Christmas dinner a few days later from actual Christmas but greatly enjoyed. 

Happy New Year to all although I would like not to extend that to the Palestinians here in Canada. But I am a kind person that doesn't pound the streets with foreign flags and chanting lies all through the Christmas Season but can find it in my heart to extend Happy New Year to all and may Russia leave Ukraine and Hamas leave Gaza would be my fervent wish and prayer for this New Year and that the Palestinians stay off of our streets as what they are saying makes no sense - they look unemployable when they tell such lies and should not be around our children.

Working on the Blake Newsletter due today.

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