Friday, February 16, 2024

Alexei Navalny rumoured to have died in a harsh cruel prison in Russia

Not the original title of my blog today but watching television while I was running and discovered that Alexei Navalny is rumoured to have died in the harsh cruel prison in which he was forced to live simply for leading the opposition to the Satanic Nazi Putin who has taken his country to war in Ukraine resulting in the deaths of many Ukrainians and many Russians. What a waste of youthful lives that could be giving their country so much more. He was jailed for being extreme; not for any criminal offense simply for being extreme (in western talk that is for simply stating his opinion and campaigning against the Satanic Nazi Putin). What a sad day for Russia. My prayers for his family for whom this is the worst possible outcome for their son, husband and father.

Today begins the transcription of the Inquisition Postmortem for  John Pencombe or de Pencombe of Herefordshire, recorded 37 Edw III in two digital images. Fortunately these are both small as my Latin only goes so far and it will take me a while to transcribe these two documents. I know that John had a son Thomas from the records. I suspect that the John Pencombe found on the Lay Subsidy in 1524 is a  grandson of this Thomas. The  name is unusual and the Visitation of Devon 1620 states that Pyncombe came to North Molton with Lord Zouch near the beginning of the reign of Henry VII. The last place history sees Lord Zouch is the Battle of Bosworth Field 22 Aug 1485 in Leicestershire just south of Market Bosworth. Why was John Pencombe with Lord Zouch? It is a question for the ages surely. Given that the attainment was lifted less than a year after being imposed on John Lord Zouch it is perhaps likely that John was part  of the retinue of John Lord Zouch who stayed with him to the end of the Battle and his reward for helping him was land in North Molton. No idea on that but history has them both in North Molton at the same time just after the beginning of the reign of King Henry VII. 

But first my Latin lessons to get my brain in tune to tackle the Inquisition Postmortem. I think it is in Latin I did not yet look. That would be sort of funny but I need the Latin for many other documents that I have for the Pincombe family of north-west Devon. 

Snow fell; what a treat and about ten centimetres. Already all cleared away and ready for the next snowfall. I do love the snow. I should go skiing but it is minus  six and somehow it is just very nice and warm inside for these 78.5 year old bones that have osteoporosis. 

Teatime and on to the day. Breakfast completed right after the fourty minute run.

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