Thursday, February 29, 2024

Ancestry matches and Pencombe

 I did work on the Pencombe family in Herefordshire and Devonshire for a few hours pulling out the data and adding it to the chapter. I contemplated ordering one document but did not do so yet. Prepared an interesting table also for the chapter. Then I decided to move to the Ancestry matches that I made up into a chart yesterday. With four people tested there are a lot of matches in four months since I last did the same - 36 matches in total. They tend to be well mixed in the four lines actually so always something interesting to look at for each line. The larger ones tend to be paternal which could be surprising as my father was an only child and we did not have any first cousins. But on my mother's side her brother did not have any children and her father was the only surviving child (although he did have a half-sister (so half second cousins there). I got through all of the matches once and now I just need to check to see if there are any matches less than 20 cM which will not show up in the 4th -6th cousin range. With the use of TIMBER the overall size of the match can be reduced by as much as 50% so I do tend to collect right to the 20 cM and the extras just to see if all of the siblings are matching an individual or just one or two or three. 

Good exercise day and completed everything plus adding in my ten flights of stairs (not continuous as I must go up and down and then up again and down but it does appear to be good exercise). I got the idea from visiting the museum the other weekend. I wasn't tired doing all the stairs but did rather realize how good the exercise was. 

Today finish the ancestry table and think about the Pincombe-Pinkham Newsletter which is due tomorrow; plus write it likely as I have ideas in mind. Then work on the le Blak family chapter. Funny that I am at that point in both books of looking at the mediaeval family period but perhaps not surprising because I am working somewhat in tandem although the two families are considerably different. 

We had our flash freeze and now at -13 celsius after a high yesterday of +14 celsius. Since I did not actually go outside I have not particularly noticed the change except the furnace did not run very often until the freeze came. 

Early morning exercises completed and I have a second cup of tea to drink with my Latin which is next. 

Another day in God's world and the Lenten Readings have been fabulous. They actually talk a lot about the time of Israel in the Bible which was so coincidental I think.

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