Wednesday, February 28, 2024

Basement Cleaning completed on to the work week

 I must say greed continues to amaze me. Sometimes I feel greedy for living on in this house which is too big for me but not really that big a house. I think when the greedy genes were handed out I didn't get any particularly but there are somethings that I was greedy about in my years past. For instance I preferred not to share any of my family time with non family. I mean I could do Bible Studies and things like that but to actually become a person who regularly became involved in social activities; no not a chance I wasn't giving up my time with my children if it was avoidable. Of course I did work except when I was convalescing after my breakdown so my time was limited. I did give a lot of time to Church for a bit but I was volunteered at Ed's United Church (before that I was a sort of volunteer secretary at the local Anglican Church). It did let me be behind a table so that I was somewhat isolated (my preferred state) except when they had a question since I was the volunteer secretary and when the opportunity came to not be that volunteer I took it and ran! They were going to hire someone; offered me the job but I said no as I was already employed proofreading. It was a relief to no longer do the bulletin, receive notices on my phone for the bulletin etc, have people drop by randomly. Plus I really didn't have to talk to anyone anymore although I did teach Sunday School setting up a two year old class but my Anglican ways did get me into a little difficulty on occasion. I had the children saying prayers on their knees because they copied me. But my youngest loved that class. 

I have been delving into world issues in my blog since Russia invaded Ukraine.  I must say I do find Putin to be rather ignorant. He says if NATO sends troops to Ukraine then that is war but he hires people from Nepal and India to be non combatants and puts them in the front lines to be killed first before Russians (their people are complaining for themselves because their people are being killed not because of Russia's illegal war (this is Whiteaphobia/Caucasiaphobia by the way); the non-white areas of the world have little interest in this "European conflict" as they tend to see us (European/UK people and their descendants) as the problem in the world (all of us)). I was glad to see Saudi Arabia taking the lead on helping Ukraine with POW exchange though; kudos to them. Obviously the way to do this is to let Ukraine hire people to fight (use the frozen Russia assets to pay them). Does Putin not think through what he says? Leave Ukraine Russia (all of it); perhaps in a couple of years we will forgive and forget (we are like that). The Russian people must be getting tired of all of this but fear predominates likely (and we see images of them being hauled away to jail) and they do little for the most part at the moment. But one never knows what is lurking in the Russian back yard. The oligarchs rob the people blind and keep them like serfs; what is the difference between the Tsar and Putin. The Tsar (who was not enlightened enough to keep his place) was a descendant of Peter the Great; Putin is just a usurper of the life that Russians wanted for themselves; he is really useless to them. 

So today is a Pencombe day and I shall continue on the Postmortem Inquisition and have a look at some of the old books to see what I can find for Roger de Pencombe perhaps alias  Flandrensis. The name Roger de Pencombe is in the Devon records at Bondleigh and in the Herefordshire records at Pencombe in the similar time frame. Interesting as I had it in my mind that perhaps this line was older in the British Isles than it may have been; it may not have preceded William the Conqueror but rather arrived like Richard le Blak as being given rights to set up markets and things like that. Interesting really. I need to find the original surname as Flandrensis just means from Flanders. But then the yDNA is not Hunter-Gatherer; not as ancient as that. March will be the month to dawdle through all of this both the Le Blak family of Berkshire/Wiltshire and the Pencombe family of Herefordshire.

So on to the day. Latin first and it is going very well. Having a yearly package really is nice so you do not have to concern yourself with "hearts" and the loss of them if you make mistakes (you have to do Duolingo to get that). I have actually accumulated 2211 gems in my 46 days back (I use my gems to send XP boosts to my daughter who is doing Latin with me). I think I did about this many days in the summer during the forest fires. But now my mind is on the task and I am finding it easier to keep up and not get bogged down. Finishing off the Siderfin Book was a lot of effort. I hardly ever think about the book now actually. I assume anyone who wanted it has it and it is still available on my website as a free download.

Yoga and jumping jacks. Teatime and Latin. Then on to breakfast; it is a working day (brain working instead of cleaning).

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