Saturday, February 10, 2024

Calender of the Patent Rolls - Henry VII, 1485-1494

 Several hours and 100 pages in to the first book on the "Calender of the Patent Rolls - Henry VII, 1485-1494" I found what I was looking for with regard to the le Zouch family at North Molton. The period between the granting of his land (because he was attainted) to Richard Eggecombe dated 7 Jun 1486 to the General Pardon for John Zouch of Zouch, knight and restitution dated 11 Jul 1486. I think this may answer my question as to why a Pencombe/Pyncomb accompanied John Lord Zouch to North Molton shortly after the beginning of the reign of Henry VII.

I am wondering if I should continue reading this document and the one that follows.When I do a word search I do not find "Penc" which I would anticipate finding if Pencombe was there nor is Pyn or Pin present.

7 Jun 1486
Calendar of Paent Rolls 1 Henry VII (Part iii)Page 93
Membrane 18 (10)

Grant, in tail male, to the said Richard [eggecombe] for services done beyond seas in England, of the castle, honour, lordship or manor of Totenesse and the lordship and manor of Corneworthy, the manors of Huesshe and Lodeswelle, with all that rent which was of John le Zouch in Huesshe and Lodeswelle, and all lands late of the said John in Totenesse, Corneworthy, Huesshe and Lodeswell aforesaid, and in Northmolton, co. Devon, all of which have come into the king's hands by the forfeiture of the said John le Zouch, lord of Zouchd; also of the manor of Ridlington, co. Northampton, which has come into the king's hands by the forfeiture of Francis, viscount Levell. By p.s.

11 Jul 1486
Membrane 21 (7) Page 96

General pardon to John Zouche of Zouche, knight, and restitution to him of his lands as though his blood had never been corrupted by attainder. By p.s.


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Calender of the patent rolls, preserved in the Public Record Office. Henry VII v.1 1485-1494


Calender of the patent rolls, preserved in the Public Record Office.
Henry VII.
APA Citation

Great Britain. Public Record Office. (19141916). Calender of the patent rolls, preserved in the Public Record Office. London: H. M. Stationery Office.
MLA Citation

Great Britain. Public Record Office. Calender of the Patent Rolls, Preserved In the Public Record Office. London: H. M. Stationery Office, 19141916. 

The general pardon did not return the lands to Sir John but I did see a notification that there was another item in the Calender of Patent Rolls around 1495 that did restore some of his lands. So I am back to thinking that Sir John has gone to North Molton to await the King's wishes and perhaps the accompaniment by likely John Pencombe since he is found on the 1524 Lay Subsidy at North Molton. But in what capacity? Can one solve that? I am tempted to now look at the second book of the Calender of the Patent Rolls for Henry VII and that will be my next day of research which will be Tuesday this coming week as that is basement cleaning day. An interesting sojourn through history all of this discussion. 

Saturday and it is Blake Research Day. I have reached Chapter 3 of my review and it is looking at the Y-DNA of my Blake line. I will continue with my checking that the footnoting is complete and also for Chapter 4 the early  history of Andover. and continue on from where I left off which was a discussion of the earliest wills for the Blake family in Andover. 

The temperature is 3 degrees celsius and we are promised 8 degrees celsius which is unusual in February but there is a cold front moving in. Winter will descend once again the weather people tell us. And it will be a cold rest of February. Inside I do not really notice but it rained heavily last night but the snow is still there. 

Teatime. Then Latin and I continue to progress as I await the Inquisition Postmortem for Pencombe of Herefordshire. I will be ready to tackle it as soon as it arrives. 

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