Thursday, February 22, 2024

Instead of locking people out

I have been saying for a while that I do not understand why all the people wanting a ceasefire do not do more for the actual people of Gaza. The Muslim population of Canada has huge resources and could have brought a couple of thousand children to Canada from Gaza to protect them from the horrors of war but all they do is complain at us; spoil our Christmas and now tell MPs they are not welcome in their mosques. Israel was attacked; they have the right to defend themselves and Hamas says they will do it again and again. There are still over 100 hostages held in Gaza that the International Court of Justice said must be immediately released unconditionally. That hasn't happened and why do I never hear the people complaining at us say to Hamas - release the hostages. I do not know how many of you went out into the streets of Canada to celebrate the barbaric butchery committed by Hamas against the babies, children, women and men, elderly on the 7th of October last but that was a hate crime bordering on terrorism because it supported a terrorist group. 

I was very pleased to see the judge in my home town of London, Ontario declare that the attack on the  Afzaal family is terrorism. That such a disgusting act happened in my home town is a sorrow to me. But the person complaining on TV and demanding a cease fire in Gaza never even said their name; did he remember it? We would all like a cease fire in Gaza but most of all we want those hostages returned immediately. The deal was that they would get their medication; they did not. Where is the support for these people - the hostages? 

I say to you again. Ask Egypt and the Canadian government for permission to bring a couple of hundred thousand little ones from Gaza to protect and take care of them until Gaza is rebuilt. You can afford it; you have built huge mosques. We do not need to know anything about the little ones between 2 and 8 years of age except you need to have their DNA done and that of their mothers to prove the children on return. Do your part in helping; complaining doesn't help. Tell Hamas to release the hostages immediately and unconditionally. 

Asking Canada to renew funding to UNRWA is an insult to the ability of the Gazan people to put their own food on the table and to Israel which suffered more than 1200 deaths because of some members of that group. Already so many Hamas terrorists in UNRWA exposed for their part in the barbaric murderous rage through Israel on the 7th October last, we can not in all honesty continue to support this group. Gaza has been supported through more than three generations by UN funding; it makes no sense when there are beautiful farms producing all kind of food just across the border in Israel - the same could be done with Gaza I assume, surely the land is not that different; never been there. It is an insult to continue to supply people with all their needs when they are perfectly capable of producing what they need themselves. They just need support to get it going. Obviously the best country to help them is Israel. Bring the children here to Canada (if Egypt and Canada will let you of course; no ideas on that but we did take in children from England during World War II) - the little ones only as they require virtually no screening except for a DNA test by the mother and for the child to match them up later - the bigger children can work to help their parents work on getting their lands into an appropriate format to bring the little children back. What a strange way to raise children; totally dependent on the United Nations for the very food they eat through so many generations.

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