Thursday, February 8, 2024

International Court of Justice (ICJ) and the hostages

 The ICJ told Hamas to release the hostages immediately and unconditionally. They have failed to do so; Hamas continues being the problem. I think this does point out to us the necessity for the United Nations to have an ability to form a large police force to free hostages from such situations. After all it was a satanic barbaric invasion of a sovereign nation that occurred and resulted in over 1200 brutal barbaric deaths to babies, children, women and men and the taking of more than 200 hostages into Gaza that is the cause of the resultant war. Why has this return of the hostages not happened? Because Hamas is a terrorist group and must be eliminated from both the world and the hearts and minds of people. They are leeches sucking the lifeblood out of the rest of the people of Gaza and destroying their children. We need to have a force that can be quickly assembled because these terrorists in the world could invade any country if they are permitted to get away with this: grabbing citizens and making demands. Hamas pretends this is something motivated by a cause but it is in  reality just the way they make money which goes along with their hatred of the Jewish people and their blatant desire to commit genocide against them worldwide. Their first act in the north of Gaza was to pay people to protect their houses from looting! I think that says it all.

The rules established by the International Court of Justice  must be followed and they have not been. The hostages are not yet free. 

Yesterday was a day looking through what I have written thus far for Pencombe; doing a little more footnoting but recollecting my thoughts. I am awaiting for the Inquisition Postmortem that I purchased. That is really my next step and I have decided not to progress past that but rather fine tune the beginning. My Latin is improving daily so I am ready to tackle this document when it arrives. I would very much like to know what is in it actually. Searching through the records I have found a few more interesting glimpses of this Pencombe family in Herefordshire. 

Today I shall try to remember to go to the Praying with PWRDF Service early afternoon. 

This is a day to work on Blake and the same process as yesterday looking at what I have written; catching any items I have not footnoted and deciding where to move to next. 

Teatime and solitaire. Then Latin. The Latin is going very well. I am happy with my progress although would like more "old" Latin as that will be what I am actually transcribing but I am noting that as I look at Latin documents I am recognizing the endings which I wasn't before giving me a clearer picture of what is written in the document.

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