Thursday, February 1, 2024

Newsletters still in process

 The eyes finally told me when to stop yesterday and today will be a slower day. Next time I will start the newsletters earlier for sure but eye issues did prevent that. My one true weakness I think - my eyes. 

February 1st amazing but at least we have snow cover and a little promised. Really we need three times what is out there for moisture in the ground in the spring. Climate change is certainly a real problem. 

Trans Mountain Pipeline expansion delayed until the next quarter. Massive amounts of federal money are going into the project but it will do what it is intended to do which is to provide a cushion for Canada to fall back on; bring all the children of Canada out of poverty; take care of the elderly who do not have enough to support themselves and hopefully provide better education for the young right from day care up to college and university. Concentration on what is needed education wise is the most important - trades trades trades. We do not have enough tradesmen to supply this growing country. We need more money to combat climate change although just doing that in Canada will not save the polar regions from drastic change.

Prayers for Israel and Ukraine as always. The ball is definitely back in the court of Hamas and sycophants to get out of Gaza. With UNRWA no longer funded the needed foodstuff/supplies has to come in by other means or it is the fault of Hamas as is everything in Gaza anyway. The cowardly Hamas and sycophants started a war by their brutal barbaric attack on Israeli babies, children, men and women least able to defend themselves. Time to get out of Gaza Hamas and sycophants; time to free the hostages unconditionally as ordered by the International Court of Justice. Time for Hamas to stop fleecing Gaza of its opportunities in life. Time Hamas to stop creating circumstances that recruit people to terrorism.

Today will definitely be a slow day as I let the eyes relax from all the work yesterday. 


Thank you God for the wonders of another day. May your love shine upon this world and create peace in our time as those who have preceded us have wished  and died with that hope in their minds. The Second World War devastated so much of the world  and cost the lives of so many young men and women on the battlefields. So many died in the bombing of cities; my prayer is to let there be peace on earth so that all can prosper. Let the United Nations be a place free of hatred and bring together the nations of the world to find peace. Let the nations of the world be loving in how they treat their neighbours and not be seduced by greed into supporting satanistic causes.

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