Tuesday, February 6, 2024

Onto cleaning day two

 Yesterday was basement cleaning day and today is the main and top floor. Having a small narrow house is great really. We enjoyed it when the girls were small and when we were on our own. It has a beautiful long lot and so Edward got to do lots of gardening. His first love was likely gardening! So today more cleaning and eye resting. This has worked rather well for my eyes and tomorrow I begin once again and I think with the Pencombe book. Still have not received my Inquisition Postmortem but no rush although I am starting into the Herefordshire information in my thinking anyway. 

Still no snow although it is cold once again (minus 11 degrees celsius) so not always that much snow when we are at that temperature. Still lots of snow out there but less than usual. 

Sent off my thoughts on the request of the OPC of Bishops Nympton and added in:

 I do not know what the Devon Record Office has beyond what I have purchased as lay subsidies/taxes did not interest me overly and I have never been to the record office. My visit to Bishops Nympton was brief but interesting - a lovely village. You are the first person who has asked for information probably in a couple of years. I did transcribe the entire Parish Registers for Bishops Nympton (nearly 1000 pages of text). I have earlier lists of people like the Protestation Returns (from the originals) but no Chapple family although lots of Tappe (eight of them) and you can find that online now:


The Devon Freeholders Books (I transcribed some of these parishes): There is a George Chapple at South Molton, a John Chapple at South Molton (1711-1799 and online at):


 These two websites are particularly good for old records. 

Prayers for Israel and Ukraine. Prayers for the children of Gaza. 

Teatime and Latin lessons. The day moves onward.

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