Sunday, March 31, 2024

Allelieu Christ is risen; thanks be to God

Another Easter and we enter into the happy time of Easter. God is always with us but we must make our own path following the commandments which Jesus brought to us but also the Commandments that were given to Moses. The so called simplified version of the New Testament captures the full commandments of the Old Testament. History can be amazing. 

 Given this latest regurgitation of the history of the 1947-8 wars in the Middle East by Palestinians here in Canada and it is totally incorrect, there should not be any Palestinians teaching our children or taking care of our children. When you try to change history then you will be corrected - history has just one flow; the truth whether it suits agendas or not. Anything else is trash and should not be permitted in our houses of parliament, our schools or even published in newspapers as it becomes hate speech because it is a lie and encourages anti-semitism. This latest plot on the part of Palestinians who marched on Canadian streets in support of Hamas attacking Israel on the 7th of October last is to try to force a false curriculum of Palestinian history on our schools. They actually have a petition to that effect which 5,000 people have signed (that presumably is one in ten Palestinians in Canada have signed the petition). Are they Hamas? have they only come here to try and and cause trouble? You come here for a new life; that is why people emigrate to Canada do not bring your hatred with you. The one benefit of social media is that we hear about all of this trashy hate speech right away and can get it corrected so that our children are not exposed to such deceptions. No money to Gaza until Hamas is gone. As usual Palestinians supporting Hamas disturb the distribution of food in Rafah once again and try to blame it on the IDF. 

As for the UN vehicle in Lebanon that claimed to have been fired on by Israel; I would like to know what a UN truck is doing in a war zone which Hezbollah created by bombing Israel? Obviously the UN truck should not be in a war zone. 

I had a thought on why Hamas attacked the farms along the border of Israel. Perhaps some people in Gaza are starting to look at the land and realize they could grow their own food instead of the weeds currently growing in Gaza. Hamas attacked the Kibbutzs so that they would not be visible to the Palestinians. Do they actually think Palestinians are that stupid that they would not realize they could still grow their own food. It does have to end all of this food being sent to Gaza by the world. They can grow their own food; the rest of the world has to grow their own food. The land is good. For sure it is time to plant now and a crop will be coming up very soon of radishes, spinach and lots of other food. Israel can help them with that; obviously Hamas isn't capable of that since it hasn't happened. Hamas tries to change history; but history has a way of kicking back. Look at what happened to Hitler. 

There are truths and the way forward is acceptance of the truth and in the case of Canada we accept that the Residential Schools were wrong; they were not handled properly and did not provide a proper education to every child that attended (everyone not First Nations in Canada will pay for this for many years to come). The children should not have been taken away from their parents and should have been able to have proper schooling where they lived with their family (this is now much more doable with online schools where attending an actual school building can not happen (Australia is a good example)). But the Palestinians involved in this new venture of insisting that their incorrect history be taught in school when it is a lie is not acceptable. The truth is the only thing that should be taught in schools. It isn't always pleasant to hear the truth but truth we will have. Any member of the legislature provincially or federally any person teaching in Canada and any person working with our children who does not accept that truth is the only acceptable history to teach should be recalled/dismissed from their position. 

Sorry God that there is all this trouble in the Middle East but it is all the fault of Hamas (and Palestinians who support them), Hezbollah and the Houthis. They are instruments of the devil.

Church this morning on You-Tube. Celebration of the Eucharist at Easter is one of the must attend Church days and I am there in my mind but in person I am at home watching the Online Service. Since I am not in favour of wine at the service; the bread is a sufficient memorial and the money spent on wine could be used to buy medicine for the poor in Africa. That is my philosophy and so I share a floured element at the time of communion as part of the online community. 

A blessed Easter to the world as Ramadan continues for the Muslim world and Passover to come (April 22) for the world of Judaism. It is God's World and we must take better care of it; eliminate war, greed and envy. They are all sins.

Yesterday good accomplishment on the Blake chapter looking at the Blake Pedigree Chart and the Blake Family Chart. Looking at Richard le Blake when I return to the Blake family later in the week. Tomorrow I put together the Blake Newsletter for publication. But it is mostly framed in my mind having thought about it the past couple of days. A day of rest today.

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