Saturday, March 30, 2024

Black Saturday/Holy Saturday

Cloudy today and waiting for Easter Sunday, when I was a child we called this Black Saturday but it has changed to Holy Saturday and perhaps it goes like that over time. The 1950s had a cloud over them in my childhood memory. People talked about nuclear war and as children we had no idea really except it was bad. So we lived with that as children and we became careless in our thoughts and perhaps more brazen because we felt threatened and that is what happens when you threaten children; it brings out the boldness. We didn't remember the war really; just that it was dreadful. The newsreels cemented forever in my mind the horrors that happened to the Jewish people in Europe. We didn't know that boats full of Jewish children were turned away; it still feels incomprehensible that the adults did that. How could they turn the children away? They still hadn't lived. That is part of what the support for the Jewish people and the State of Israel is all about. We didn't like it when we knew about it as children and now that makes us ever the more eager to support Israel when they are attacked. Israel has become stronger and stronger in my lifetime. But that doesn't mean that they can not take the battle to the enemy; the enemy has to disappear - it is archaic and belongs to the past this hatred of Jewish people. Why do the terrorists think that only Islam has the right to occupy the earth? Just greed; nothing logical although they will say it is because women are not shrouded from head to toe; they are just greedy nothing more and they are ignorant. This world would not exist but for men and women working together and if need be women carrying on when men are dead to keep the lifeline living; to maintain the children to adulthood so that they can do the task they are put here on earth to do. Love God with all their heart, soul, mind and strength and love their neighbour as themself. We wait for Easter quietly through Holy Saturday remembering many Easters past and praying for a future that is free of war and greed and hatred. 

I feel as if it should be a Blake day. I have been thinking a lot about Pencombe and Blake slipped to the back of my mind. So I think today is Blake day again whilst I sort this new chapter so that is is logical, readable and complete. In my mind I know what I want it to read but I need all the references intact and the writing to flow well. So today is Blake. 

Teatime and latin all finished. Time for breakfast. 

God bless the world and protect the children. Why do they not bring thousands and thousands of Gazan children to Canada? I do not understand that. Why concentrate on a couple of adults who need so much clearance when you can bring as many 2 to 8 years olds as could possibly be accommodated. The onus does fall on the Muslim people here because these children need to be in familiar surroundings so that they are not frightened. There are thousands of them here who have built huge mosques; surely they can find the ability to bring the children from Gaza to protect them. We did that for England during World War II. But we do not speak the language of the Gazan children; we do not have the customs of the Gazan children. I shall forever blame in my mind the Muslims in North America who parade on the streets celebrating Hamas' atrocities on October 7 last but do nothing for the Gazan children to protect them. 

On to the day.

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