Thursday, March 28, 2024

Blake family today and the Blake newsletter for the 1st of April

Today will be a Blake day and working on the Blake Newsletter. It will have an article on the Andover Blake family book that I am writing. I will look at the yDNA groups and see if anything new has arisen in the last while. 

Cloudy at the moment and 1 degree celsius  but it is meant to be partly sunny and a high of 10 degrees. If that continues it will be a spectacular weekend - Easter at the end of March does not always tend to be such lovely weather. The snowdrops are up and the crocuses are slowly making a show. Spring has sprung for sure although here we can still get snow into April. Time will tell. 

I will likely work away in this blog as I am looking at some of the Blake information. It is a few days since I have worked on Blake so will have to recap where I am at. 

I have been repairing my green recycling bin which had a partially broken lid (connection to the actual bin, on one side) for maybe five years. I had no idea of what to do with it as every time I tape it up it ends up being torn off when the garbage is picked up. But I finally checked online to discover that you just have to request a replacement. So I did that the night before garbage day (I had a query in that request so expected an email back). I thought about putting it out but decided that it would just be in the way and amazingly the next morning a new bin appeared early with no email and no text to let me know to put the old one out. Anyway I am still trying to get that one taken away and have now requested where we can take it. I will see if the pickup tomorrow results in it leaving! It is nice to have it be so quick (less than 12 hours later! and my request went in in the evening) but one does need a little help I guess when one is 78 to let me know when to put it out. My mistake obviously I should have  second guessed it and put it out that morning with the rest of the garbage. Maybe they will let  me know where we can take it!  And they are coming for it next week; just had a phone call.

Teatime and Latin.

The chapter on the Blake Pedigree Chart and the Blake Family Chart and that was 22nd March - six days ago. Today working on this new chapter that I have decided is a must is my object along with the Blake Newsletter which normally would publish on the 1st of April at this time. I do not want to lose sight of the "larger" Blake family which has many founders across the British Isles (England, Scotland, Northern Ireland and the Republic of Ireland) or to keep everyone happy The Republic of Ireland and the United Kingdom (England, Scotland and Northern Ireland). I find it interesting that the hunter-gatherer line that is my brother's line has a close match in Ireland and at least another fourteen on Chromo2 in the British Isles. The Blake family of Andover does appear to be ancient to the British Isles with matches in most areas of these ancient islands. In Ancient Greek times these islands were known as the Pretanic or Britannic Islands and during Roman times but the term British Isles does seem somewhat more into the Common Era. I would say the number of Blake name bearers is about equal between the two largest islands although the number of hunter-gatherers is somewhat smaller than the other Blake founders. Hunter-gatherers have acquired the Blake surname but most of the other lines can be traced back to mainland Europe using the Emigrants Database and historical knowledge. I think it is exciting to descend from such ancient peoples. 


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