Tuesday, March 19, 2024

Cleaning Days

As usual the beginning of the week includes two cleaning days and I will be finished today. It is hard work for this 78 year old but I can still manage it quite well. It is also good exercise as the cleaning is the only exercise I do on those two days! Gives my muscles a respite perhaps from that daily grind of running, climbing, yoga, calisthenics and weight lifting. Instead it is all combined in a different sort of exercise and certainly my back would say these are hard exercises as well. 

No work done and not a lot of thinking. I am coming to the stage where I will go back to writing my books. For the moment it has all been written into the blogs and I will select what goes on into the book. That time is coming. I thought I would be ordering more documents but really what I can see is good enough for a throw-away chapter. It will sort of remain a throw-away chapter likely until the end of the book when I will decide if including a chapter on the Le Blak family has any meaning for the book or a chapter on the Hereford Pencombe family adds to the knowledge of the Pencombe family at North Molton.  

I did get in quite a bit of time on Latin as I work my way through the sets of lessons. This time I am finding it easier as I am not trying to finish up a book and cramming as much into my head as I thought things through in the fall. I hardly think about the Siderfin book now but I am glad it is finished.I had done a lot of thinking about them when I had the one name study and I am happy to have it all written down now and out of my thoughts. 

Teatime and then Latin; the day moves forward.

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