Monday, March 11, 2024

Mothering Sunday yesterday in England

And probably in some places the Anglican Church also celebrates Mothering Sunday worldwide.  This week we started out in the Chapel of the Old Deanery which is near St Pauls Cathedral. We visited St Pauls several times on different visits but the longest visit was on our walking tour of the city of London which was nearly 20 kilometres by the time we were back at our hotel near Waterloo Station in 2010. 

We also visited online at the service I believe it was St Hilda but the priest was incumbent for St Hilda and St Stephens. A really nice service actually and I am enjoying this tour around the country side. I just find that the idea of actually getting on the bus and then the train and heading to my Church downtown is just not practical for me. When the service is online I attend otherwise I am really feeling quite content at home singing the hymns of my childhood that I so enjoyed.

I did two major lesson times in Latin (about 2 hours in total) so that is coming along. I am starting to use it with my purchases of latin documents. I need to spend some time creating declensions for me to memorize. At 78.5 years I am happy with how well I am doing with the Latin. I am also looking forward to starting my French Conversation in September. I still read French very well (my written is a little rough) but my spoken is dreadful. So will improve on that. I will start the German a year after that and see how far I can get with that. French I studied at both High School, University and in my job but my German was primarily Scientific German and for two years only. It will be interesting to see how well I can do with both of them. 

I am pleased with my progress thus far with the two books - Blake and Pincombe. I have made decisions that I am pleased with and I just couldn't make them before now - deciding what to put in them and what not to put in them. I still think two years is reasonable to complete both books. 

Snowed today, not a lot but hopefully we get some snow cover back if it is going to get cold as that is so hard on the plants in the ground. 

Today cleaning day and I start on the top floor. We have plans for the summer downsizing already listed and will begin that eventually. I do want to eliminate more things this summer. There is too much to clean in terms of items that are simply not used.  

If time permits I will work on the Part 2 of the Blake Chart held by the Bridgwater Museum. It contains the "Hampshire Blake" which was created by an unknown person although an interesting Blake book published in the United States may actually reveal who that person was and as I vaguely recall it was a descendant of the Somerset Blake family. The author of that Blake family book visited with this individual in the 1800s to see material that he had at hand. Interesting day for sure. 

Teatime and latin lessons are next.

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