Monday, March 25, 2024

Palm Sunday

 Yesterday we celebrated Palm Sunday at Church and it was online. It was nice to be back once again online although I have spent the time in between online services traveling online about England with Church of England services. The Passion of our Lord, pretty much always mentioned in the wills of those dying in the 1500s, 1600s and 1700s as they gave up their souls to God when they could feel the end of their lives coming. The peace of God which passeth all understanding just because it is there and we do not know the secret behind the veil. It is the mystery of one's life as one approaches the last decades of life. I liked the sermon talking about Passion and it was well done. The hymns were beautiful and the procession; I do love the procession around the Church. 

My thoughts though were somewhat with the Russian people who have suffered a great loss these past days. Putin is careless to weaken Russia in this way; fighting a useless war against Ukraine. The Russian people deserve more in that they have brought together under one government so many different ethnic groups. Acquiring a few acres does seem rather useless when you consider the loss in manpower already in Russia. Putin does not serve his country well. ISIS is always looking for a weakness in order to take over; the people of Russia deserve so much more - the horror on their faces can not be forgotten at this last attack but Putin carelessly tries to blame Ukraine instead of the ever violent; ever watchful ISIS looking for any weakness in a country that they can pounce on and use. Protect Russia from the evil ISIS terrorists Putin and let Ukraine be the country it was always meant to be. You waste Russian lives and Russian resources  and weaken Russia in the long run. You are the worst thing that has ever happened to Russia.

I did end up doing a little Pencombe. Bondleigh is in North Tawnton Hundred and I mentioned earlier that Bondleigh was the location of the first instance of a Pencombe family from Herefordshire in Devon that I found in some documents when I was searching online.

Place    Person    Date    Item    Scope
Exeter    Roger de Pencombe and Alice his wife, grant of all lands, tenemenets etc.     24 Oct 1315    DD/WY/3/2/20, DD/WY/3/2/21, DD/WY/3/2/14    grant of all lands, tenemenets etc.  In Bonelgh and the advowson of the Church there
Exeter    Roger de Pencombe and Alice his wife    5 Jun 1311    DD/WY/3/2/15    Grant of land by death of Ralph de Chammpyaus in the Hylle and La Huierce
Exeter    Roger de Pencombe    1 Dec 1308    DD/WY/3/2/6    Adam de Champeaus granted manor to Roger de Pencombe

It is the only record that I did locate for this individual. One notes the dates 1308, 1311 and 1315 and all at Exeter.

1524-27 Lay Subsidy of Devon

Teigncombe, Tincombe, Tencombe, 65, 66, 69, 74, 210, 229, 233

Tinkeham, Tenkam 67, 72, 154 

Page 65 Wonford Hundred, Chagford Parish (continued from p 64)

William Tencombe W 1

Page 66 Wonford Hundred, Chagford Parish (additions 1525)

Geoffrey Teyngcombe W1

Page 67 Wonford Hundred, Taynton Drewe Parish (Dreweteignton)

William Tenkam W 1

John Tenkam sen G 2

Page 69 Wonford Hundred, St Ed' and Extlond Parish (St Edmund and Exe Island)

John Teyncombe W 1

Page 72 Wonford Hundred, Tettburne Parish (Tedburn St Mary)

Henry Tynkeham W 1

John Tynkeham W 1

Page 74 Wonford Hundred, Gydleigh Parish (Gidleigh)

John Tencombe jun G 3

John Tencombe sen G 7

William Tencombe W 1

Page 154 Roborough Hundred, Stoke Damerell Parish (Stoke Damarel)

John Tyncam G 2

Page 210 Haytor Hundred, Wydecombe Parish (Widdecombe in the Moor)

Peter Tyngcombe G 1.5

Page 229 Teignbridge Hundred, Lustelegh Parish (Lustleigh)

Rich Tyncombe W 1

Page 233 Teignbridge Hundred, Northe Bovye Parish (North Bovey)

Rich Tyncombe jun G 7

William Tyncombe G 7

Richard Tyncombe G 10

Interestingly Wonford Hundred and North Tawton Hundred are side by side with Wonford being in central Devon (Exeter is in Wonford) and North Tawton being north of west Wonford. North Tawton lies between Wonford and South Molton hundreds. A thought beginning to congeal in my brain is that the Philip Pynkenham found at Tawton on the 1524-7 Lay Subsidy earning a wage (1) and the Philip Pynkenham found at Tawton on the 1543-45 Lay Subsidy with a property valuation of G 2 is descendant of this earlier Pencombe/Tencombe family found in Wonford Hundred. A little more sleuthing perhaps and one can assume that these two individuasl separated by a century came from Herefordshire Roger in the early 1300s and John in circa 1486 with John Lord Zouch. Using the Pencombe as a place holder surname and given that there is property involved one is left with the thought that these two families are quite likely unrelated but have simply used the de Pencombe surname in the records to specify that they have come from Pencombe Herefordshire. But one would actually need to be an expert on such matters and I am not. Finding the spelling as Tencombe is very interesting and the jump in the style of writing of the day was not so great from P to T. A sloppy P could look like a T perhaps or over time between the early 1300s to the early 1500s when the first Lay Subsidy is taken this family could have moved to Tencombe from Pencombe. However, there is also a thought that this name arose from the river Teign that is present in Wondford. A few thoughts and I believe at this point I will accept that Philip Pynkeham does not belong to the North Molton family and get back to working on the North Devon line and did it originate in Herefordshire.   

1543-1545 Devon Lay Subsidy

 Tingham 39, 130, 131

Teigncombe 33, 35, 36, 37, 38, 72, 195, 196

Tancombe 128

Page 33 Wonford Hundred, Seynt Edmunds Parish (Exeter St Edmund)

John Tyncombe 1

Page 35 Wonford Hundred, Gidlegh Parish

William Teyncombe 15

John Teyngcombe 6

John Teyngcombe jun 5

John Teyngcombe 1

Page 36 Wonford Hundred, Chagford Parish

William Tengcombe 2

__ter Teyngcombe 1

Geffry Teyngcombe 3

Page 37 Wonford Hundred, Brydfford Parish (Bridford)

John Teyngcombe 2

Page 38 Wonford Hundred, Cheryton Epi Parish (Cheriton Bishop)

John Teyngcombe 1

Page 39 Wonford Hundred, Tetborn St Mary Parish (Tedburn St Mary)

Joan Tyngham 1

William Tyngham 1

Page 72 North Tawton Hundred, North Tawton Parish

Thomas Teyngcombe 10

Page 128 Roborough Hundred, Plymmouth Borough

John Tancombe 1

Page 130-1 Roborough Hundred, Stoke Damerell

John Dyngham sen   4

John Tyngham jun 4

Thomas Tyngham 1

Page 195 Teignbridge Hundred, Lysley Parish (Lustleigh)

Richard Teyncombe 2

Nicholas Teyncombe 1 

Page 195-6 Teignbridge Hundred, North Bovy Parish

Richard Teyngcombe 11

Richard Teyngcombe 5

Stephen Teyngcombe 2

Stephen Teyngcombe 3

Thomasia Teyngcombe 6

Peter Teyngcombe 2

John Tyngcombe 1

 I actually do not see myself sorting out all of these people but the various families found in the same location between 1520s and 1540s is somewhat of a proof  and it is just the spelling. Looking at Free BMD Teyngcomb(e) not on Free BMD. Tinkham does exist (466 entries) and primarily in Devon but also elsewhere in England. Teyncombe does not exist on Free BM. Tyngham does not exist on Free BMD. Tancombe does not exist on Free BMD. Tincombe has 3823 records on Free BMD. I must check at some point to see if there are DNA projects for Tinkham and Tincombe but I believe I am going to move away from looking at Philip Pynkeham in Tawstock in the early to mid 1500s as being part of the North Molton family. Later writers may not agree with me but that works as one can always revise or add to an existing book. I think that the surname Pinkham is derived over time from Pincombe as I do find instances of it in the 1700s in known Pincombe/Pencombe families. But I always suspect that Pynkeham may have arisen from this earlier incidence of Pencombe in Bondleigh. It was not unusual to have used de + the name of a place when surnames started to be used in England after the Norman Conquest. But finding so many of these T surnames early in the 1500s I think leaves me free to pursue just the Pencombe members found on the 1524-7 Subsidy as descendant of the John Pencombe who came with John Lord Zouch to North Molton in 1486.

Cleaning Day once again and it is the large cleaning day as I begin upstairs and do the main floor as well. 

Teatime and latin.

So much happening in the world. Prayers for the Princess of Wales as she battles cancer. Prayers for King Charles as he battles cancer. Their lives have been so very stressful these past couple of years. They are such hard workers for the British Isles and the Commonwealth.

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