Monday, March 4, 2024

The next issue of the Pincombe-Pinkham Newsletter will come up today

 I will release the newsletter today on the Ft DNA website and the portion that was to be added as a discussion on y-DNA will be in the next newsletter. I need a little more time to really work on that and give it some substance. 

Yesterday was a lovely Sunday and I enjoyed it immensely. I actually went for a walk in my hiking boots up to the store as I wanted to purchase something. It was most pleasant. I met a family (well father and two children) on my way back and the little boy, so sweet, said Hello. He was probably about two years of age (reminds me of my grandsons at that age) and I said Hello back and how are you. He told me a few sentences but we were in motion. The little girl smiled at me and I smiled back. The Dad was busy pushing a stroller and managing two little ones but wished a good day perhaps for responding to his busy little ones. 

Soon home again and it was a lovely walk; perfect weather and I had my sunglasses on but actually no sun. It is only a couple of weeks and I have my eye exam with the ophthalmologist for my eye surgery in May hopefully. The time moves onward and I shall prepare the Newsletter before hand but that is what I am working on right now so should work out well. 

This is a cleaning day and it is the basement so the shorter day and I shall get some things accomplished on Blake perhaps and I am working on le Blak. 

I am also trying to decide if I should order two bags of black earth to start work on that in early April. Will keep that thought on the back burner for the moment as it is still early March. But it would be good to distribute the black earth on the leaves and help them to rot by mid May. This regenerative gardening is such a good idea since it does  not involve digging. I am past digging and it is interesting that the newest thoughts are that we should not disturb the earth because all the little things that inhabit the earth have their paths and we are destroying them. Humans really do need to synch themselves with nature for sure. 

Teatime and Latin and the day begins.

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