Saturday, April 27, 2024

A study of Deuteronomy

The Untold Story of the Kingdom of Judah looked at the Book of Deuteronomy. I am finding this so interesting and I listen to each one twice just because I might have missed something so a second through works well for me. I love modern learning for that ability. After listening the first time I decided to reread the Book of Deuteronomy and will probably rewatch the lecture as I would like to think about the Book with respect to what has already been said. I never really knew in any great depth the History of Israel (ancient) other than what we learned at Sunday School and I did do some reading on that in my teen years. Israel, as it now exists,  I have a much better understanding of the creation of the Modern State of Israel. 

But then when I was a child Palestinians were sneaking into Israel, in particular the schoolyards, and murdering Israeli children. One does rather carry that memory especially given that the newsreels in the early 1950s still were showing the Concentration Camps from the Second World War. I definitely formed a lot of my current opinions at that time and life has not changed them overly. Partly because the UN informed us that they regularly send 500 trucks a day into Gaza. I find that somewhat unacceptable given the empty land there where the people of Gaza could be growing their own food and a lot of it (that would keep them busy instead of sitting around hating Israel). The Rohingya would love to be able to grow their own food; they would love a space to live in. I think we need to review where the monies that are given to the United Nations are spent. I also think that Palestinians in North America could have done far more to bring young children from Gaza to here to protect them from the war (instead of creating so much trouble with their protests). Looking after young children is busy work and it would have helped the people in Gaza so much. We did that for the children of England during the Second World War. As this is written up in the history books, the fact is Gaza attacked Israel. It is neither here nor there whether or not a country can defend itself; no one has the right to attack another country, break in and commit barbaric crimes again the babies, children, women, men and elderly people and then drag away nearly 250 babies, children, women and men and the elderly and keep them hostage for over six months in inhumane conditions. A country that is attacked will attack back (a caution for the future). When there was a ceasefire, that was broken by the aggressor Hamas (and they do represent the Palestinian people who voted them in) possibly because they do not have enough live hostages and are trying to hide that. I think we just want this war to be done and Hamas is the problem. They need to get out of Gaza so that rebuilding can begin. Apparently Egypt's trip to Israel has given new hope to talks to release the remaining hostages. The video released by Hamas of the young American man (he has lost his lower arm and hand and obviously in need of care as he looks drugged). It is dreadful that Hamas is drugging these people; how disgusting of them to not treat them as human beings).

Just thinking really about the work forward in my writing the two books. This past week ended up being quite busy with items that I needed to do but I think I can see the clear path now to creating the Legacy files that I will use for the genealogical chapters in each book. I will not likely do more than twelve generations down and will end sometime in the late 1800s which will let people work their way back using family history and the census. Once I reach 1851 the census has a lot of information and one can simply carry forward their own lines. Again I will publish the books with a Creative Commons License and distribute them freely on my website. 

Saturday and rain is promised for most of the next week. I shall do some more work on the front lawn and I want to distribute some of the fresh earth around the garden beds in the front. Last night I had a lovely meal of salmon (and enough for tonight as well), sweet potato mashed, fresh tomato slices and frozen corn. I was too full to eat my second date square (had the first one at lunch). The package has eight squares and I was shopping for food yesterday. It is nice to be able to drive and get my groceries and we will see if by the summer next year I can still keep my license to drive.  I restrict myself totally to my neighbourhood and gradually I have moved anything that I can to very local. It is a lovely neighbourhood and we/I have lived here for 46 years yesterday. When we first moved here we did plan to buy a single in a couple of years but I became very content with where we are and my husband and children never did find a house that they wanted to move to and the years passed and here we stayed. It is too big for me now although it is a small house (carriage home). 

Teatime and latin next. This is a Blake study day.

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