Wednesday, April 3, 2024

Cloudy in God's world today

 We are waiting to see if we get 30 cm of snow today and tomorrow. It will all melt on the weekend but I think we would greet it with glee actually. It has been a low snow winter for sure. There is something delectable about swirling soft snow falling outside; that is the kind of snow you get in the spring; it is full of moisture and definitely we could use a lot of moisture this spring. The first Mud season that didn't have any  mud! since I have moved to this area of Canada. 

I can remember as a child wishing that God would just stop bad things from happening. But God in his wisdom has let us proceed in this world doing everything that is done. I think that World War II was meant to be the end of time but somehow we obtained the strength to keep going and going and good succeeded once again in the world. We founded the United Nations (the winners so to speak) and that was to bring peace to our world. But it is a human construction and we are frail, some of us, and greedy, some of us, and totally thoughtless, some of us and none of us is perfect really I think. 

What can we do to make ourselves more in God's image as he tried to do way back when? Follow the commandments which Moses first presented to us and Jesus encapsulated them to make them even easier to follow. My prayers for today will be that we learn to love God with all our heart, soul, mind and strength and to love our neighbours (and the whole world is our neighbour these days) as ourselves. Then we can have that beautiful time in the sun when there is peace. Beautiful peace. 

Cleaning day and I must begin. I am one day out of whack this week again and perhaps in another week I will get it all back to regular timing. I really am an organized person but life can throw a curve ball on occasion and one must just cozy up to it and go with the flow!

Latin finished, tea drank and time to think about breakfast. I am a little later today.

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