Friday, April 19, 2024

Heavy rain yesterday

 The heavy rain yesterday curtailed my planned movement of earth and scattering grass seed. Probably I will do that tomorrow as it is still raining today. Then there is rain predicted for Tuesday but it would have a couple of days to settle and not be washed away!

Chocolate cupcakes were made and tasty. Froze most of them actually as they thaw very well and taste great. Long grain brown rice, toasted tofu, peas and feta for dinner and greatly enjoyed but also enjoyed my four nights of chicken stew. I do like the efficiency of all of that. Tonight will be cod, potato, and corn. Tomorrow night will be eggs of some sort and then back to chicken stew on Sunday. 

Worked on the Pencombe extraction and linked up some of the unattached individuals. The beginning will be slow as I work through the wills and land documents to align people together. It will take into the next generation to reduce the number of unattached individuals. There are so many early registers online now that were not there even five years ago. Still thinking about subscribing to The Genealogist and British History Online. However, I have a lot of extraction to do on Find My Past and will continue with that. 

Today though I may go back to Blake as planned and do the next two days. I want to have a look at the French Archives and see if I can find anything interesting on Le Blak in Normandy. The yDNA was interesting and will pursue that as well for the group that is likely descendant of the Wiltshire Blake family. However, they primarily live in the Western Hemisphere so must tread slowly with that but they do have I1 which generally marks the northern French coastal area as well as inland into Europe. 

The rain is greatly appreciated and the earth is soaking it all up. One thing not having spring runoff like usual with frozen ground it should lower the flooding problems considerably. The rain soaking in will be good news in northern Ontario and Quebec and slow down the dry season there and hopefully keep the forest fires down. Last year was the worst I ever saw with smoke swirling around the back yard for a couple of weeks. That was the forest fires in northern Quebec being blown down here into the Ottawa area. 

Thank you God for the beautiful world. We must work harder to make it as livable as possible for all of your creations. 

Teatime and Latin soon.

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