Tuesday, April 2, 2024

Into April and spring is definitely here but no mud season; not a good thing


An election in Canada would be interesting for sure. I like the Carbon Tax and the Conservative party is just sucking up to the populace with their stance, 3.3 cents per litre for cars is not a very big hit to take when you look at climate change. But definitely I do not like the way the Liberals are going with regard to Gaza - no money for Gaza unless Hamas leaves and very quickly and the hostages are freed unconditionally and immediately. I tire of this war that Hamas started and the demonstrations here. If your country starts a war expect to get bombed back otherwise do not start a war. I refuse to find the State of Israel at fault. I have lived a long life and for all of it I can remember Palestinians murdering Israeli children when I was a child and continuing. I do not have much sympathy for the people of Gaza. Plus the ones that are here are lying when they make their claims on Israeli land. Israelis too were forced off of lands in the very turbulent times following the Second World War. The Israelis are living on land that has been theirs for thousands of years (certified by the United Nations not long after World War II). Plus the Palestinians here make demands that are totally unacceptable with regard to the education in history here. Lying doesn't do it; the truth will set you free always. 

Sadly the ship headed to Gaza with food from Cyprus has been hit and has had to turn back. The Israeli military has apologized for their mistake. That is the trouble with war; mistakes get made. Hamas must get out of Gaza today and end all of this war. They are useless; they break every ceasefire and are the reason so many lay dead on both sides. It is ridiculous to see it any other way; Hamas is Evil.

The people of Gaza should be more enthusiastic about the country that they have, grow their own food there is plenty of space to have farms there plus they actually do have a  piece of land to call home (not so for the Rohingyas). I am simply not in favour of our supporting a people who have been living off of the United Nations for three to four generations when they have land that they can farm. Give them seeds if need be; if you  have money to make bombs though you have money to buy seeds. There are many people starving around the world although I must admit I will never forgive the Palestinian people in North America for not bringing these young children 2 to 8 years olds here to protect them from the war and take care of them until the rebuilding is completed. Being forced to watch that horrendous loss of life. So that is a big negative for the Liberal Party from this individual (given that I was always a Conservative voter for my voting days until 2015). Plus Gaza was and continues being in the wrong with regard to the disgusting attack on Israel the 7th of October last. And there are still people held hostage despite the International Court of Justice stating that the hostages were to be released immediately and unconditionally over two months ago. Why should Israel release criminals who raped and murdered their citizens, who murdered infants and children, women, men, old  women and old men? Plus Hamas are terrorists; It is the fault of the people of Gaza for electing them that we actually have to deal with them - Hamas should be dumped on an island in the middle of the ocean.  Along with them, Hezbollah and the Houthis can keep them company. 

Cleaning day today and perhaps a little time on the Pencombe family. Yesterday ending up being the Blake Newsletter. The First of April already and the snow long gone although we are said to be in the path of snow so we will see about that. The skis are still at the ready in the garage! Perhaps one more day before we put them away. 

Teatime and latin are next.

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