Friday, April 26, 2024

Moving along

I did work on Pencombe yesterday extracting more information from Find My Past. It will be slow going though as I work my way through. The more that I do at this time individually the less that I have to do when I am creating the generational chart for the book. Well worth the time to just go slow and work out each one. 

Beautiful sunny day yesterday and more today I think although we are starting out at minus 2 degrees celsius.  We are predicted to have 15 degrees celsius as the high temperature and rain all weekend which will be good for the grass if it stays above zero! 

Continued listening to the "Untold Story of the Kingdom of Judah" and did find it very interesting looking at the work that I have been doing on both the Blake and Pencombe families. You accumulate the actual family information but constantly having a look at what was going on in these two areas in the time frame that you are looking at. My love of science blocked my mind from looking at the study of history and as it turns out science and history came together when I started to look at it (my cousin nudged me into that with his request for the Pincombe Profile for his History Book of Westminster Township). The entry of DNA into genealogical studies slow at the beginning but rapid by the mid teens of this 21st century so that  now work on a family is not complete without some DNA studies whether it be yDNA studies with the surname or mitochondrial studies along the strictly female line or the autosomal studies linking cousins. It is all valuable and was a joy for my husband as he proved all of his genealogical work that he had done during our entire marriage of 54.5 years. The study of populations is perhaps one of the most fascinating now I think in history especially as archaeological digs turn up ancient graveyards with yDNA or mtDNA still intact in the teeth or bones. What excitement to have in a study that appeared to be mostly this quiet library research to have it blossom out into an ability to actually scientifically trace a family or population back in time. 

Perhaps some lawn work today as I would like to finish across the part of the lawn that is at the road's edge. The spring flowers are still blooming in the grass so want them to have their day in the sun and for the bees to work. We must do our part to help the flora and fauna to exist in our world. Without them we do not exist. 

Teatime and Latin. The day moves forward.

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