Sunday, April 28, 2024

Sunday the 28th of April 2024

 Another Sunday in God's world and it is raining. We need rain to soak the land from coast to coast to coast. Canada is suffering from Global Warming. Not enough winter snow to put out the forest fires this past winter and they have flared up again in the west. Global warning is every bit the problem it was said it could be ten years ago; twenty years ago. We are too slow taking care of that. 

The Fifth Sunday after Easter and the service will be at St Chad's Welbourn, Lincoln Diocese. The spring flowers are all up in the Churchyard of St Chads and the iris is tall and strong. The Yew trees are carefully trimmed. I love the opening - With God anything is possible. Jesus is the true vine. Already the service has been viewed 430 times at 5:57 EDT. 

Yesterday I worked on the Blake family as I extract material from Find My Past. I have selected the within 20 miles of Andover for my guide. I also decided to put Charlou Dolan's Blake tree into a legacy file and worked away at that and will complete it possibly tomorrow. It actually isn't very long but I do find it interesting to have it alongside my work as I prepare the legacy file for the Blake family of Andover. She mentions Joane Blake married Robert Sedgwick and this family went to the American Colonies in the mid 1600s. Joane married at Andover but she returned to London - I always have found that a bit strange actually but times were turbulent in England during this period of the Commonwealth before the Restoration of King Charles II. 

It just seems like the time to start this Legacy File for the final book. It will take quite a while to work my way through all of the information as there are nearly 3000 entries between 1580 and 1620. I will not include the entries that I know belong to the Calne Blake family. But I am curious what might come up with the Berkshire Blake family as the wills in the late 1500s mention the families in each other's wills as I recall but need to clarify the actual wording. If there is a link between the Calne Blake family and the Andover Blake family in the Blake-Blake marriages I should find it with actual proof rather than suspicion of it by others and I am not entirely sure myself since there are several Blake-Blake marriages. 

Air Canada has apologized to the National Chief Cindy Woodhouse Nepinak and it is good to see that passengers on the plane with her defended her plus the pilot straightened it all out but still the apology is good to hear. There does need to be more attention in the news and in the teachings at schools about the proper respect that does need to be shown at all times for the First Nations culture. We are meant to walk together just as Tecumseh and Brock did - that was the message that was conveyed at that time and it is very important that we follow that message. 

Church in a while on You-Tube. Teatime and Latin next.

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