Monday, April 22, 2024

Sunny and minus 2 degrees celsius

 Unpredictable April is with us; snow one day and hot sun the next or pouring rain, one just never knows what April will bring. If I have time today I will do another section of the front of the lawn to see if I can get it growing before the truck becomes a permanent fixture in front of my house for the summer. Sad for the people across the road as they try to get their two cars out of the laneway having to make this very tight turn out. They park their two vehicles side by side; very considerate of them. After all the side of the road in a residential area that permits parking expects just that, parking for short periods not lengthy ones. The owners of the big truck could make a double laneway and park their vehicles side by side, or have one in the garage and the other off to the side so you can get in and out easily. My rant for the day. It wouldn't have happened but the big truck was there when I was trying to add garden soil to my lawn and then seed it and it is very awkward to do that with a big truck in the way plus his front wheel was on my lawn!

Statistics and they are really important especially down the road. For instance, we need to know how many male babies and how many female babies are born; it isn't because we are fixated on anything we just need to know those statistics down the road. Why anyone would want to disturb their endocrine system to satisfy personal feelings is beyond me really; no matter what you do or at what time you do it you will be sterile if you interfere with the endocrine development. You will have no choices if you interfere in the endocrine development. Who cares if you think you are other than what you are except you of course. But does it really matter; does it matter if you think or act more like a boy or girl; you are a person; being a person is what matters! Seeing that it could bankrupt the health care system means a lot to me; it isn't fair to people having heart attacks, needing bypass surgery, broken legs that need mending, fixing little items that children need in their lives like cleft palate for them to have it said to them sorry this gender affirming person needs to have surgery or needs drugs and it is their turn. Anyway down the road a country needs on occasion to figure out their birth rate and their anticipated birth rate and why it is falling or rising in a way that is not anticipated. If we do not sex babies when they are born as male or female then we do not have those statistics and it is like living in a dark age and why do we get educated if we are not going to use that ability? Very few babies are born that you can not immediately say they are male or female - it is very rare. Again, I do not understand why people would shorten their life span by interfering with their God-given gender. For those rare children born with undetermined sex then by all means help them! Otherwise leave them alone and let them be children; let them imagine, let them dream but keep their minds squarely on the drawbacks of anything that is done to a perfectly operating system. The mind is capable of accepting many things and we are a person first of all. Mine you I have no idea if it actually would affect your longevity but one does wonder; there aren't any statistics and not sure we really need them. Another rant for the day. It must be cleaning day and it is; the basement today. 

Okay, I did not do any work yesterday - I have decided to consider my book writing as unpaid work since I am retired and do not want to do any bookkeeping for a business - besides the clientele will be rather small and all around the world likely - much too confusing. It was a beautiful Sunday; I scarcely looked out the window. I watched TV for a bit and there is an ambulance going through the red light - heart attack maybe but back to my day. I did all my exercises and at 78.5 that is an accomplishment and I rate it as such. On to the day. 

Teatime and Latin as always.

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