Friday, April 19, 2024

The budget and how I see it

 The Liberal Budget does an interesting thing perhaps with a couple of changes; it will sell off surplus government buildings to be converted into apartments. It is an interesting proposal and could be successful and unload buildings the government will no longer use (or even put that as a first priority to examine when developments are being created that government buildings/land be utilized first if possible and practical). I interpreted this to mean that a planned project could be initiated by a private builder and they could then access these downsized surplus buildings/partial buildings/land and purchase them for a reasonable price (based on the market value) for their project. I am not really in favour of the government building/renovating spaces as it would be too expensive for them to take on projects for which they are not staffed. We already have experienced and staffed private companies that build and renovate. The incentive perhaps is being able to sell what you create for a profit and you are helping to stabilize the country you live in because we are in a housing crisis. Coming from a small business family I do remember the thrill that they had of owing a business and the personal satisfaction that comes from being a business owner. The idea of the government holding ownership of land and leasing it is also interesting and would let smaller builders get into these larger projects because they are not paying for land up front. Plus, there should be a yearly rent for the land by purchasers that goes back into the government coffers to support maintenance of that land.

The government workforce is also downsizing by attrition over the next five years and this is also good as they hired a lot of people during COVID that are no longer needed.

The TMX and I would prefer to see the government keep it as a crown corporation (we must have people who can run this efficiently and are not just looking for ways to create big money for themselves) so that they are not so susceptible to union problems creating slowness. We might as well profit from the TMX for a few years during which time the First Nations may be able to acquire sufficient funding and support to buy it. I see them as the preferred purchaser. They are more likely to maintain the pipeline at 100% efficiency and use the money wisely not for personal profit. They also have a fifty year plan as I tire of these four year episodes of government with changes made in the structural levels of government that cost money. Change them if there is waste but otherwise leave the public servants alone to do their work.

Some of the more questionable things in the budget are the huge expenses for personal care. People should use their own money to pay for their personal expenses and then apply for a rebate online (libraries have lots of computers for people who do not have family support to help them if they are elderly) if they satisfy the requirements for the say dental support. I am bothered by that and would prefer a much tighter scrutiny over monies that are provided for personal needs. It just makes medical care too expensive to support. As for children's lunches I do not have a problem with that but it should be restricted by income. Give the children a card to identify them in terms of a charge being levied if not free and in case of allergies (schools should be set up for debit card/credit card expenses where needed and really it should be a simple thing to set up now and anonymous for those who feel that it would stigmatize anyone). People could then pay (e-transfer on a weekly or monthly basis or immediately by credit/debit card if a child has one) to have their children fed at school - I would have and that would help to pay for this system (plus you could still send your child with a lunch if you or they want). But do not nickle and dime that; no lowest bidder providing the food for children - perhaps Health Canada through Public Health Agencies locally  could oversee those contracts. Lets make it economical and not overdo personal care expenses. We simply can not sustain these personal expenditures. I agree with universal health care but I do want to see people take on more responsibility for their own care (do regular and continuous exercise to stay healthy) and make medical care efficient and not overloaded thus providing a stronger population.

I crave a more fiscal conservatism in the bookkeeping of our country. Why was CRA scammed for millions of dollars? This needs to be investigated thoroughly. I need the conservative party to get their minds clearly fixed on fiscal conservatism. I do want to hear support for Ukraine and Israel being foremost in discussion and more money for the military for equipment and salaries and it has to be done if the Conservatives win and not backtrack like after the recession in 2008. Balancing the budget is important but not at the expense of our historical institutions. Use the audit reports and others to eliminate waste in government offices. The constant repeat arguments in Question Period are wasteful - I do watch Question Period; start examining why things like scamming the CRA happens.

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