Sunday, April 7, 2024

The first Sunday after Easter

Zero degrees celsius but the snow is all melted once again. Sunday and the skies are going to be clear today and temperatures in the low teens. Church on You Tube today once I get myself organized. 

Yesterday I worked on Pencombe and Find My Past. I decided to go with a ten year period 1530-1550 looking at Pencombe but first I searched for any Pencombe results prior to 1530. I never got past prior to 1530 although did find a number of probates and all duly entered into Legacy. The process has begun. 

The day though became an outside clean up day - freeing the swing from its storage tarp and setting up the drain pipes for the various downspouts. We may get more snow but more likely a lot of rain; we are into the rainy season that is truly rain and not snow in Canada. The ground needs as much moisture as it can get. Normally walking in the back yard would be carefully done and very wet but it is mostly dry out there as I collected up another three large branches that came down in the wind the other day. I will get them all chopped up and out to the street. I can not do too much with branches other than recycling. I want to order two large bags of earth to work on the lawns and the gardens this year. It will be gradual doing that; I am getting older and older. 

It is God's day though and I have a few quiet things that I want to do today. No eye work for the most part as it is good to rest the eyes one day a week. My surgery time comes closer and I am excited to get that done. Lots of preparation to do for that time period as I am restricted in what I can do for at least two weeks. 

Praying for peace as always; peace beautiful peace. What our parents, grandparents wanted for us after the Second World War was peace but not at any terms. We learned our lesson in that war. We can not just look past what is happening; we have to be engaged and part of the solution always. Aggression is just wrong; no one has the right to invade another country. I am sad for the children in all of this; I can remember growing up in a world where so many children had died during the wars and that was part of my heritage; knowing that and praying that it would not happen again. Dictators are just very selfish people who think only of themselves and what they want - they often claim to be doing it for a cause but really they are just selfish and do not care who gets hurt along the way including their own people who support them. Pray for peace; we created the United Nations hoping that was the best way forward. I still think that it is but we have to keep selfishness and greed out of the United Nations. We must be aware that people use the United Nations to get their own way and protect ourselves and countries that are invaded. 

On to the day, teatime and then latin. 

The Church of England service today is at Rustington, Sussex and the Parish Church of St Peter and St Paul. Again an area of England that we did not visit although we were closeby at the Isle of Wight and Portsmouth. The Church is beautiful, all of the Churches in England are so very beautiful and ancient. The Church of England is incredibly ancient stretching back far into the past. Mind you, I am not sure how historically significant my grandfather was that the founders were one of the lost tribes of Israel but certainly the Celtic Church was known in the British Isles from 1000 BCE when Celts first arrived in England and it was the Celtic Church that became the Celtic Christian Church which would come together with the Roman Church at the Synod of Whitby in 663/664 CE (AD). Decisions made at this Synod brought the English Celtic Church into communion with the Roman Church although many English Celtic Christians had already become part of the Roman Church both before and after the time of the arrival of Augustine from Rome between 597 and 604 BC (AD) . My grandfather though believed that Joseph of Arimathea as a missionary came to Glastonbury bringing the Holy Grail and that that was the beginning of Christianity in the Celtic Church in England as he brought the story of Jesus with him. Since he was an adult when Jesus Christ was crucified he would have had to come to the British Isles in the 1st century CE (AD). As a child I loved to hear my grandfather's stories and did retain some parts although I was rather young when he died (just eight years of age). But surprisingly as I search online for some of the things he said there are many who believed and history records many of his thoughts so must have been common to his era. 

On to Church. A wonderful service with the prayers of my youth and the language perhaps too. I did grow up in a different area than I now live in. Actually every priest of the church that I attended as a child was born in Ireland amazingly! They came to Canada and the first one worked in the Arctic initially before coming to London, Ontario where I grew up. He was much loved in the Arctic and often spent two weeks in the summer with the people that had been in his congregation. The music was simply perfect; I love being at all the services but the music has been quite wondrous. 

When I worked at the Civic Campus of The Ottawa Hospital, I used to walk at lunch time down Carling making the large circuit around the hospital grounds. I think it filled me somewhat with wonder that I was related to Sir John Carling after whom the street was named. As a child, my mother did mention Sir John because he was her grandmother's first cousin and known to her father when my grandfather was a child. Funny how small the world can be sometimes and, especially, in my case as I have just one tiny Canadian line - my mother, her father and his mother (all born in Canada as was I). 

What to accomplish today? I think I will plan the week perhaps and decide when to order the black earth and organize my gardening time into the day. I think I will start perhaps with one hour per day as moving earth is not an easy task for sure although I am moving it a short distance at the beginning. By the time I reach long distances I will have help with that. Must search out the grass seed as well and give some rejuvenation to the grass along with a fresh cover of new black earth. Last summer was hard on the grass as we had drought.

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