Saturday, May 4, 2024

A few challenges

I have finally settled into a methodology and I will extract the census for Pincomb/Pincombe/Pencomb/Pencombe/Pyncomb/Pyncombe/Pinkham and that is in process. I was resistant initially to going for that right away but it is probably a good method. It is the way that I worked on the Siderfin family but I know more about Pincombe but when I really contemplate it I know more about my Pincombe line coming down from John Pincombe and Mary Charly. I moved that entire family line from my family legacy file to the One-Name Pencombe family that I created a few months ago. I know that is has been verified from Robert (second youngest son of this couple) down to my stopping point which is my mother. She will appear in the book and the cut-off will be primarily anyone on the 1911 census although she was born a little later than that. If I know a birth up to 1920 then I will enter it otherwise not. I will maintain the 100 year rule that we use here in Canada. 

So my task today is census and I have already worked on the first name and will continue doing that. It is going smoothly as the census generally does. I think I found it intriguing to work through mysteries and got distracted by that but this is more efficient. 

Looks like rain and next week I hope to finish the garden bed at the front putting in fresh soil as I can see all the plants up now pretty much except for the hosta but if it is a warm rain today that will be up as well. I did not remove the old vegetation it will sit under the fresh earth and rot to feed the plant. That appears to be the principle of regenerative gardening and I like it actually. I do have to weed although those beds are not too weedy in actual fact. 

Other than that I must make some more chocolate muffins as my date squares have all been eaten and enjoyed greatly. I do like date squares. I should make a tray of them as I think they probably freeze since I can not eat an entire tray that quickly. Will think about doing that. It is sort of  fun to start my day with tea and a sweet cake one might say especially chocolate. I must eat all my chocolate by noon or it will wake me up early - all that caffeine. 

Nearly time to lift weights so back to the census. Already the fourth of May, the month will pass quickly. 

Teatime and Latin done long ago now.

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