Monday, May 6, 2024

And cleaning begins the week once again

Monday and it is cloudy but it is a cleaning day and the basement is the first order of business. Setting up the robot is a treat really although I could make better use of it than just the basement rug. But that would mean that I would carry it up and down the stairs and I really find the regular vacuum faster to do the wood floors. It doesn't vacuum the stairs so not helpful to do that but I do like that it does such a good job on the basement carpet and I didn't have to do it. 

Yesterday I did watch the next part of the Untold Story of the Kingdom of Judah but the day flew by and I did not watch it the second time so maybe today I will do that. I had a feeling as I watching that I should reread Joshua and perhaps I will do that between bouts of cleaning today and then watch the lecture again. I saw this interesting Youtube video on Pilgrims and the Cathedrals in England. It was mostly in the south and we had gone to a number of the cathedrals in the south including Winchester and so I watched that and it was very well done and a good memory jogger as I had quite enjoyed those times which included being with my cousin Ivan as we had traveled about in our Knight-Blake areas together in 2008. We share our Blake-Knight great grandparents. It was a wonderful treat to spend time with him and mostly he talked (as I tend to be a listener rather than a talker) and I learned all sorts of interesting bits of history although my grandfather being one of the oldest in the family and his grandfather the youngest he had less of the history that I had learned probably because the wife of John Blake (our mutual 2x great grandparents) passed away when he was still quite young and so he did not hear those stories. Interesting really what passes down in a family. 

Other than that it was a good exercise day including running, weight lifting, yoga, walking, calisthenics and all in the confines of my house because it was pouring with rain. I went to Church on You-Tube and it was an interesting service mostly prayer which I rather liked and lots of singing. I do miss the singing for sure and they make it easy putting the words up on the you tube video although I do have the Book of Common Praise (the new Church of England hymn book) which I could use. 

Right now the world could use a lot of prayer, less clutter on the campuses as this is a special time of year when students graduate. The events of 7 October last were barbaric and totally unacceptable. It has been a year since of spoiling by the Palestinians (who cheered Hamas for committing the murderous barbaric acts against the Israeli people and continue to hold more than 100 hostages in inhumane conditions) and their sycophants as they spoiled Christmas, interrupted Easter and continue on their wrecking process which has absolutely no effect on the governing of our institutions or country. What they have to say we will listen but they are wrong; their rendition of history is wrong. Their continued constant whining and over use of the generosity of the world is annoying. Time to grow up, be adults in the room, grow your own food and create industries in that beautiful piece of land that you have in Gaza. Since the kindness of the world is being used to fund Hamas' war on Israel then it is time to shut that down forever. You are making a mess of the university campuses and it will cost a lot of money to repair all of that. Go home, write it all down, blog it but stop cluttering up the streets and common places that belong to everybody; stop ruining everybody's day and make a life for yourselves that doesn't ruin everyone else's life. 2100 signatures by U of T alumni is not very impressive (there are probably that many Palestinians who have graduated, we are a generous people), there are millions of graduates of the U of T. But still we mourn the loss of all those children in Gaza; children do not choose to live in a war zone.

Well on to the day before I get started on Russia. One tires of the abusive dictators of this world and wishes that they would all be gone. They create all the sadness in this world. The children would have a much happier life. Listening to the little ones on the TV running around in the tent area in Rafah the other day was a testament to that. It was quiet, no bombs dropping. Release the hostages now Hamas. Stop wasting the goodness of the world. 

Teatime and latin soon enough.

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