Monday, May 13, 2024

Cleaning Day once again

Cleaning Day once again and it will be the basement. The daily routine of life is perhaps the most interesting and one goes through so many different stages  in life from babyhood which no one remembers to toddler again  no memory to preschool which has some memories and then school forever it seems but soon done and, in my case marriage at 20, all those adventures after we bought a car into the natural world around us. Although I always  had an interest in the natural world Edward had always been restricted because he did not have a car as a child and so mostly in his own home town of Princeton, Ontario. For me somewhat broader although restricted to Ontario except my first trip to the United States in Grade Eight on our graduation trip to the Henry Ford Museum and Greenwich Village. All those plants that Edward and I saw and I shall get that organized to rescan the original slides to *.tif as some of them were fabulous to see - Indian Pipe perhaps one of the most interesting finds although the lady slipper always ranks up there amongst others. It was a whole new world to Edward but my mother had always pointed out the beauty of nature to us as she lived on a farm as a child with all that land to enjoy. Our first child when I was 28 (Edward was 31) but his joy was huge looking at that perfect child with the bright blue eyes exactly like his looking back at him. I remember that so very well as he was not there for the birth. Then moving away from everything I knew to Ottawa at 29 was both an adventure and really tested my ability to manage driving since I depended so  much on landmarks (unable to read those tiny road signs!). And the story goes on and on but in the same place with just us until we were joined by our second one eight years later (eight years one month and two days to be exact). By then the days were settled into a routine and I was busy marking at that time but soon back to proofreading and copyediting and my eldest in school. And now I am 78.5 years of age and I have meandered through life looking about and noticing lots and lots of details as that is my way - to absorb all those details. Still in the same house we bought back in 1978. It is pretty much the same although Edward added details that made it his own. He was content too although he and the girls had gone off looking at new houses years earlier but did not find quite the one they wanted. 

The day wears on and I must get the robot running on the rug in the basement. Breakfast too and my first Latin lesson of the day. 

God bless the world and help us to see that your words to us through Moses give us the best path to existence - love God with all your heart, soul, mind and strength and love your neighbour as yourself. On to the day. 

One of my mysteries resurfaced today with the comment that the people of New Guinea carry 5% Denisovan DNA - however did our family acquire 3% Denisovan DNA is something I have not yet solved although suspect it comes from my ancient maternal line H11 which wintered in Ukraina and came to now Scotland in the British Isles probably 8,000 plus years ago. Amazing really and this was a very interesting article and has made me late today reading it.

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