Saturday, May 25, 2024

Gardening is a very detailed experience

Not quite as much accomplished as I had hoped but gardening is a precise experience. My husband normally organized all of the details and we followed his commands so to speak planting here and there as requested although he generally spread any seeds. The seeds embedded in lengths of fine cotton are marvelous and we did try to find as many seed tapes as we could. So one part planted including the cucumber bedding plants which we covered last night as it was just 8 degrees celsius here last night. Today we complete the task and put up the fence around the garden. 

Plant a few more of the bedding plants just because they are ready to go in and we can always cover them if it is too cold. Frost still a danger into early June here. More fresh earth to move today and then that task will be to finish off the seeds planting. 

Yesterday I weeded the iris plants and they are now blooming. They are fairly easy to tell by shape but time stood in the way somewhat. I also finished adding fresh earth to the front garden. I moved a couple of Starry Solomon Seal plants to the back and will see if they survive. If they do I will move more as the plant is expanding into the hosta area at the front. 

The Tree specialist came and he will do the Linden tree and the cedar so that will be nice to have that freshened up for the summer. My neighbour organized that which I most appreciate.  I did try to trim the cedar but it is a huge task and I am not able to manage the trimmer that my husband used to trim that bush. The maple tree at the back shed its dead branches so will be able to just leave it for this year anyway. 

Having grown up in the shadow of World War II, my attitudes were formed on the basis of the newsreels at the theatres which told the stories of the world occurring around me (and the comments of my close relatives). Real pictures of actual true happenings were painted on those screens as they happened not the stories that we get now a days that are conjured up by terrorists to attempt to direct history. Evil strides through our lives these days and we must be careful not to be dragged into Evil like some of the young people at our universities with their faces shrouded in foreign scarves. The deaths of all of these young children in Gaza could have been avoided by sending them out of Gaza but that did not happen and I put the blame for all these deaths squarely on Hamas and their barbaric attack on Israel on the 7th of October last. I am a respecter of heritage but it belongs at home not on the public areas of our universities in a flagrant way that accomplishes nothing and causes destruction of property. I will be glad to see all of these campuses cleared and soon. Youth does not get to dictate on the basis of the lies which they are spouting about Israel. The hate language is unacceptable and should be prosecuted. This is Canada with its rich heritage brought forward by the First Peoples for us to learn and discover. There is much that we can learn from the First Peoples. 

Another day on God's beautiful earth and the opportunity to do so is something for which I am always grateful to God. He is in the wind that blows through the trees and the sun that shines in the day and the moon and stars at night.  All that we are comes from God and in time returns to God. Thank you God for all that you have given us. Help us to keep Evil out of our world. The path is ever difficult as people are influenced by terrorists rather than looking at the situation and realizing that no one can live in some circumstances that threaten their very existence. Peace in our time has been the wish through all of my life but there always seem to arise Evil people who are selfish and think only of themselves and how they want the world to go for their benefit and not the benefit of the majority. 

Breakfast and it is garbage day so must get the recycling out to the street. I store it in the freezer until the day of pickup. Continuing to work on the Pincombe-Pinkham Newsletter today along with the gardening.

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