Sunday, May 26, 2024

Gardening moving ahead

 Garden all planted with respect to seeds/onions and even cucumber bedding plants. The fence is now up but a little short so had to put in an old plastic one. Will contemplate buying another length of chicken wire! 

The bedding plants await the all clear generally given by the moon it would appear but the beds are ready now to receive and need about four or five days to settle. Rain is expected so planting will commence towards the end of this week likely. Then we just weed. I have done a lot of weeding this year although I still have some clumps where I am not sure which is the weed and must wait for a little sign to help me along the path. I need to weed the back two beds as they have not yet been touched but I do know what is  there; just timewise I haven't done it. The rhubarb is growing nicely anyways in spite of the weeds!

The lawns are all cut now as the dandelion season is mostly over and the bees have had free reign of the yard during that entire month. I didn't see the suggestion this year to leave the dandelions but decided to do that anyway. Just 1/3 of the second bag of earth left now but we have places where we want to put it. There is one length of fence to put up and perhaps the end of this week that will get done. Then enjoy the summer with kayaking and walking most days unless we have smoke in which case we will do our walking indoors. 

A little done of the Pincombe-Pinkham Newsletter. I am into the YDNA analysis and deciding what to write. The rest has pretty much written itself. Will have it done on time to post it on the 1st of June likely on the FT DNA Pincombe-Pinkham yDNA study page. 

The day progresses and it is Sunday. Church on You Tube in the Trelawny Benefice in Cornwall. This is Trinity Sunday in the Church of England. Although I really do like it when my own Church (Christ Church Cathedral Ottawa) is online this journey through England has been most amazing. We spent a couple of days in Cornwall (neither Edward nor I have any ancestors from Cornwall) on one of our tours of the British Isles. One of the days the bus was going to a fun place that didn't interest us a lot so we decided to stay on the property where we were boarding for that couple of days. The walks in that area were fabulous and we did that instead. 

The air quality is good today at 18 and it will be cloudy but tomorrow will be heavy rain which is great for the garden. Possible rain a number of days this week. 

Thank you God for the beauty of the earth and all that is in it. Help Homo sapiens to become good caretakers of this world and stop wasting its goodness (Russia and Hamas take note).

Breakfast completed and time to do my latin.

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