Sunday, May 5, 2024

Good work day

 I was outside for about five minutes yesterday (definitely not an outside person unless I am running or kayaking (and gardening in my old age)). Overall it was a successful working day and I am into the census. Actually I have a couple of other Pincombe lines that are extensive besides my own and will drag them in once I have improved their footnoting ability. Because I match these lines with autosomal DNA I have their trees. The matches are not huge as they are fifth cousins or more but where we match is the important part as I have a list of chromosome lengths that appear to be Pincombe through the ages. 

I did watch the television a little as I wanted to complete The Story of Moses on Netflix. This has been a particularly good series. I did not watch the entire 6th lecture  for The Untold Story of the Kingdom of Judah and may do that today. This is Sunday and I tend not to work on Sunday and so could watch it twice easily. The beginning was very interesting as the Bible does say that the inhabitants of Canaan were defeated totally by Israel but historically the area that the Israeli people moved into was mostly unoccupied and the Canaanite settlements remained for the most part. That was very interesting. But this series has emphasized that the Bible was the story of a family (the family of Israel as it came to be called) and families can remember differently on occasion as compared to the actual historical record. The Canaanites, from a Biblical viewpoint, were the descendants of Noah through his grandson Ham. Although Noah was said to have walked and talked with God some of his descendant lines had moved away from God and worshiped idols. The Bible is a fascinating read and one of these days I will read it again from beginning to end. It has been a few years since I did that. This lecture series reminds me again that we, as humans, have much that makes us alike rather than different. 

The University student encampments are demanding divestment of investments in Israel. Personally I wish they would sit down and read the history and maybe then they will understand the actual truth. I would love to see the university students help the Rohingyas. Their cause is so fragile and needs so much support. 500 trucks a day into Gaza; one does wonder what was in those trucks and interesting the amount of armaments in Gaza that Hamas smuggled in (how much food other items did they sell!). Cease-fire, release all the hostages and then the rebuilding can begin. But this time there needs to be farms created; industries created. Universities can come later when the land is productive and supporting the population and no longer a people dependent on the United Nations. Perhaps Jordan or Qatar could set up and manage Muslim schools where the children learn skills and true history etc. That hard earned money from people around the world needs to go to people like the Rohingyas. 

It would be nice if the students here would stop making a mess of the campuses (these universities are publicly funded and we will have to pay to have them repaired) so that convocation can be the wonderful event it is meant to be in student's lives and not spoiled by a few. Write it down; we will read what you have to say about Gaza but we will also read and do know the actual true history. Sadness and tears for the dead children of Gaza; they were not combatants. They surely did not wish to be in a war zone. There was a short blip on the news yesterday where the children were running and playing in Rafah around the tents; they were laughing - laughter is wonderful to hear. Too bad they are not here where they could live a normal life and be safe until the country is rebuilt and they can go back home to their families. All they need is a DNA test if they are just 2 to 8 years of age and there are hundreds of thousands of them.

As usual Hamas has no interest in peace; they have destroyed one of the crossings in Israel (Kerem Shalom) through which food has entered while Hamas leaders are in Egypt pretending to be interested in peace. Hamas' demand; Israel get out of Gaza. The demand of the world should be that Hamas get out of Gaza (Hamas costs the world too much money). Hamas is greedy and has no interest in the Palestinian people; just money for Hamas and trying to commit genocide against the Jewish people. Hamas should be put on a treeless island in the middle of the ocean and food dropped to them regularly (and occasional new clothes).

Sunday, God's day and Church online once again - St Jude on the Hill, Hampstead Garden Suburb (of London). A modern Church consecrated 7 May 1911. The Vicar's son in 1940 Michael Rennie died of exhaustion as he rescued a number of evacuee children from the ship "the City of Benares" (torpedoed on its way to Canada in 1940). War is always cruel (Hamas caused this war) and should be avoided; that is why we created the United Nations. We didn't create it to support people who should be able to grow their own food and build their own industries. Time for change for sure - Hamas obviously does not know how to run a country since there has not been any progress in Gaza since they arrived (no food grown, no industry created); indeed Hamas has taken Gaza into a war with another country purely for greed (primarily for Hamas!).

Tea time and Latin to begin the day.

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