Friday, May 31, 2024

Half Way through the first week after Cataract Surgery - Day Four

Yesterday was busy as I went shopping for a short time just to pick up some things that I wanted. The eyesight continues to be satisfactory in the operated eye. Interesting that the shadow that I had in that eye seems to be absent but time will tell on that. I have hazel eyes but the blue eye ring is larger I think but again will wait on that. As the days pass though I must admit that having both eyes done at the same time would have worked well for me but again I can understand why the movement to one eye at a time was made. From a viewpoint of getting more people to the operating table one eye at a time does look like more people. Perhaps the idea will change in that regard when there is less pressure on the system. Being literally incapacitated for six to eight weeks though is a long time. There will not likely be any kayaking this summer for me although I will miss the walking on the beach more perhaps but do not want to risk sudden wind gusts throwing sand into my eyes. 

Over 16,000 steps yesterday again and will keep that up to help to achieve some sort of a fitness level until I can once again take on my aerobic exercises. The quiet time though is nice I must admit. I will continue mostly at home enjoying the swing outside and the lovely spring flowers as they come and go. 

Prayers again for all those in war zones created by in particular Russia in Ukraine and Hamas in Gaza. Both are responsible for many deaths and destruction now. Neither of these war zones needed to happen but greed, hatred, jealousy dominate my thoughts as to why they continue to be war zones. 

Thank you God for the beauty of the world that you have given me eyes to see with and enjoy. God is all about us and we should be more respectful of His earth and everything in it. 

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