Tuesday, May 21, 2024

My blog

I actually did write another blog today on the ICC but I am thinking about it. I thoroughly believe everything that I wrote but does it make a difference to publish it. I will have to contemplate that. As usual the Americans are on the side of right; President Biden has said that Israel's action in Gaza is not genocide and rejected the ICCs call for an arrest warrant for Israeli leaders. I agree with him; the Israeli intent is not to injure the Palestinian people; they want and deserve protection for the citizens of Israel and that can not be present with Hamas in Gaza. Perhaps this is that moment in time when we make a decision as a world not to accept terrorism in any form. Russia should be stripped of their veto power in the United Nations Security Council - they have broken the principal rule of the United Nations by invading a sovereign country. Russia can earn it back but they have corrupted their great value, by becoming Nazis themselves, to the world when they helped to defeat the Nazis in 1945. The United Nations is in agreement on that. We need to not sidestep any of these issues as they make or break us as a caring people. We can not let terrorists win; we have been fighting them since before 9/11 worldwide and it goes on and on. The ICC can not allow themselves to be swayed by the "terror of the moment" which is created by terrorists and permitted to exist by the adult peoples of Gaza - they voted them in and cheered when Hamas invaded Israel killing and assaulting in a barbaric murderous rampage on 7 October last. Yes the loss of life in Gaza is dreadful but it will be far worse if we let terrorists win. There is no equating of Israel and Hamas. The terrorist Hamas or any other group can invade any country and once again we go through the scenario of that country bombing Gaza and innocent children going to their death. The world must see that and not allow anti-semitism to corrupt their thoughts. Turkey has said that Hamas is not terrorist but the actions of Hamas in Israel was terrorism. Hamas at its top leadership should call a halt to Hamas in Gaza if they are truly what Turkey says - they are not fit to rule Gaza - they should be made to leave. Terrorism must disappear from our world. Release the hostages Hamas now as the International Criminal Court demanded five months ago and the International Court of Justice demanded four months ago that the hostages should be released immediately and unconditionally.

Rain is promised today and as always all rain is welcomed here in Canada. The fires still burn vigorously in the west and so many people are displaced and looking for warmth shelter and food. In many ways life can be hard in parts of Canada particularly in the northern areas but all of our country is heavily forested for the most part. The ability of trees to reprocess carbon is essential in the fight against climate change. 

But the greenery of the world around me is beautiful. Each year there is less and less sky visible from my workroom window as the trees age and stretch higher and higher into the sky. I probably weed out a few hundred small trees every year or my yard would be a forest now after nearly 50 years of living here in this one spot.  There is a comfort in the normalcy of living in one place which is what has kept us here; that and the very large yard that came with the house. But it is a lot of work and as I approach 79 years of age one can see that my ability to care for the yard lessens with each oncoming year. However with two of us it is doable. Plus winter tends to be obliging and reduces the workload 100% nearly since the snow is cleared for me. 

Cleaning all accomplished and I shall have to decide what to work on today. I have been reading through my instructions for cataract surgery and they are straight forward and I am waiting for my surgery time to be telephoned to me. 

Yesterday the lawns mostly cut now and the garden beds for seeds and bulbs is ready to plant after this next set of rain days. Earth to move to the part of the garden being utilized for bedding plants and lots of weeding still to do. The transplanted hostas and bleeding heart are both doing well. Spring is in full progress. 

Teatime and latin and then breakfast. The day moves forward.

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