Saturday, May 11, 2024

Six degrees celsius and rain promised this evening

Another good day of gardening (mostly weeding although I let dandelions continue to flower for the bees to pollinate) and some work on the census for Pincombe. It is moving along smoothly though as I have done some of this work earlier I just have to make sure I didn't miss anything. Today has other plans so probably no work today. Good rest for the eyes. 

Calgary police did a marvelous job of clearing the university campus there and apparently some of the people were trespassing as they were not students. I do love to see the police in action in such cases where they are needed to clear an area. If Hamas cared about the Palestinian people they would have a functioning society after twenty years with businesses and capability of producing all of their own food. Gaza is plentiful; Bombing another country is always going to bring retribution  - they are also ignorant of history and have no humanity as far as the world can see. Taking children, women, old people hostage and keeping them imprisoned for months many underground; how sinful; how satanic. Hamas is definitely the problem. They need to leave (as well as the Islamic Jihadists).

 One hopes that graduation ceremonies in Canada will not be spoiled the way Christmas was by the Palestinians. If they loved Canada and respected Canada all of this would end now, today. They are just using our streets and public areas to support the terrorist organization known as Hamas. 

I think we should have voted no in the General Assembly of the United Nations (abstention doesn't really do it for me) although I do overall believe in the logic of the two state solution when Gaza is ready. They want to be able to establish themselves in a profitable way very quickly and Hamas does not provide that ability. Thus far Hamas, in twenty years, has done nothing to aid their development as an independent country. The Israeli know this land very well and its potentials and they would help them. They have been helping them in their hospitals to better medical care for quite a while and would do the same in business I rather suspect. All Hamas cares about is genocide of the Jewish people; disgusting really. Free the hostages now and unconditionally. Get out of Gaza Hamas. Stop attacking Israel with bombs and putting the Palestinian people in danger. 

The day begins and soon teatime and Latin. 



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