Sunday, May 19, 2024

Sunday and it is the Feast of Pentecost

 Today Church online and it has been a while since the last online Church service for the Church that I attend. I look forward to the service this morning. The gift of the Holy Spirit to the people of God who believe.

Yesterday more weeding and the areas that will be garden are now cleared. Just have to clear the weeds from the flower beds. That is also partially done but still more to do. Although it is the Lord's Day we will likely move more black earth to the land. God's work is never really done although He rested on the seventh day and the black earth does need to rest a few days before planting. Not too much to do today but later in the cooler times of the afternoon we will move more earth to complete that task and be ready for planting mid week. 

Still no work on the books but I am thinking about them and a few ideas that I jot down for future work to do when the snows fall once again and my work outside is done. The work outside is also important to maintain this beautiful world which God has gifted to us. 

Prayers for the world as Climate Change rages about us. The notion that Climate Change was responsible for the demise of Homo neanderthalensis is interesting and one that we should pay attention to I suspect. We need to work together as a people to slow down Climate Change and try to improve so as to reduce our carbon levels considerably in the world. 

Prayers for an end to violence in the world including the return of the hostages taken by Nazi Hamas. Thank you to the Americans for building the pier to help get food into Gaza until they can grow their own. This should be prime growing time I suspect but I do not live there. Israel has beautiful farms though and it is a similar latitude and land space which Nazi Hamas tried to destroy last October 7th along with the barbaric slaughter of the Israeli people and others. The very idea of Nazi Hamas going free is repugnant to me; the evil they have wrought should not be ignored; they should be punished and not permitted to walk freely on the face of the earth. As for the protestors here, when they cover their face as so many do I find their protest to be meaningless. They are protecting themselves and their protest means nothing here. We do not accept faces being hidden as an honest protest. If you can not stand up for your own opinions why should anyone listen? I do listen to the comments of the protestors; I just do not agree.

Solitaire games already played and the day begins in earnest. Exercises to do and then teatime and Latin.

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