Tuesday, May 21, 2024


I shall contemplate whether or not to publish this blog on the ICC but it doesn't really say anything more than I have been saying. Just repeats and regroups the text actually into a concise couple of paragraphs. My support for Israel is unwavering in all of this; their ability to survive as a country and as a Jewish people has been threatened and remains threatened. That I prefer not to see all those children die in Gaza goes along with that but the adults had a choice and have a choice. Release the hostages immediately and unconditionally as the International Court of Justice demanded four months ago Hamas. Hamas is in the wrong. 

Although I do agree with the thoughts of the ICC regarding the population of Gaza and their current state as being an absolute horror in our civilization I do find it impossible to judge Israel or its leaders as one of the culprits,  I do feel that Hamas is totally at fault and the support they have received around the world including in my own country on the very day that Hamas brutally and barbarically assaulted and murdered Israelis in their own country and took hundreds as hostage back to Gaza is totally wrong and has encouraged Hamas to continue with their visual campaign of making Israel look bad in the eyes of the world. A country that is threatened verbally by a terrorist group has little choice but to eliminate the threat of the terrorist group. That this has existed since I was a child (over 75 years ago) is all the more convincing to me that Hamas is 100% responsible for all of the deaths and all of the destruction in Gaza (and what they wrought in Israel as well). To say anything else is the very essence of anti-semitism in my humble opinion. Thousands of children could have been protected if they had been removed from Gaza as well and the international community did not move to do that. The Arab community is huge around the world and a lot of this hardship could have been avoided. But overall it is Hamas that breaks all of the cease-fires and caused this current action to evolve. Any support to Hamas is wrong and the ICC does appear to be giving support to Hamas - they are a terrorist group and should be judged as such. Their aim is genocide of the Jewish people as the reason for their very existence. 

It is the responsibility of the country that invades another to make reparations and fix the problem. We do have an example in my part of the world. The Fenians raided Canada a number of times and the American government put an end to that well over a century ago now. Only normalcy can be achieved if Hamas removes itself from Gaza and Hezbollah ceases to bomb Israel. The real source of the problem is Iran itself which funds and supports these terrorist groups. Although I eventually believe in a two-state solution if that becomes the choice for responsible citizens in Gaza but the only country that could truly bring Gaza to fruition as a nation is Israel. They have the knowledge, the ability and the desire to see Gaza flourish and be a good neighbour. It takes a long time and dedicated effort just look at the Marshall Plan in Europe and how long that lasted. The other countries in the area could be supportive of Gaza as well by buying the products of which this country is capable of producing and by helping to set up a decent schooling system there which is responsible and desires to see the people of Gaza become good world citizens not people deeply encrusted with hatred for Israel which appears to be the case even here in my country. Their marches on October 7 last celebrating Hamas' barbaric, murderous rampage through Israel were totally ignorant and unacceptable in any society. The people of Gaza need to learn history and the rights of original peoples to their land. Even as all this happens there are Palestinian people being cared for in hospitals in Israel - does that not tell the entire story really. Israel is a responsible nation; Gaza (not yet a state) with Hamas present is guilty of such crimes one can scarcely list them all and one can hardly believe that it ever could be a responsible state with Hamas there.

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