Thursday, May 30, 2024

Third Day was progressive after Cataract Surgery

 My eye has cleared and continues to improve. Interesting really to have better vision in that eye and will see if it lasts. I am after all just over three months from my 79th birthday. Still tire easily but 12,000 + steps per day is a lot of walking even if it is just around the house. 

I did go outside for a brief time into the back yard to have a look at the radishes already pushing their way through the soil. Possibly other plants but will wait on that before being sure. 

Still not going to spend time on the computer though to give my eyes a good rest. 

Prayers for those trapped in war zones created by Russia in Ukraine and Hamas in Gaza/Israel. It would be so very nice to see peace in the Middle East and that can only happen if Hamas is gone from Gaza. Hamas threaten Israel with genocide.

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