Saturday, May 18, 2024

Yet another day working on God's earth literally

Another beautiful day on God's earth, thank you God for the beauty of the world. Today Air Quality is at 35 so we have escaped the smoke from the fires in the west of Canada for the moment.  The side garden is almost half weeded and the main garden has its fresh coat of rich earth. So now we let that sit for a couple of days and then plant it with seeds. Nature is very obliging this time of year. If you plant it beneath the ground then frost doesn't really trouble the growth but anything above ground could get frozen off. The bedding plants wait on the moon's cycles that predict frost and generally very close to actual and then the planting of them occurs. The fruit bushes have really filled out and the currant bush which is first is covered with flowers (tiny little flowers you hardly notice) that will soon be berries. They will be ready by the 1st of July. The elderberry bush is coming along and it is last and in between the raspberries and the gooseberries. The birds do love this yard for sure and are welcomed back every year. Already blue jays, cardinals, sparrows, etc etc have arrived to feed at the feeders. One is solid on the fence and the other is a swinging feeder on the other side near the fence. 

Still no actual work done on the books but that is not surprising. It is the first long weekend of the "warm weather" months here in Canada and rain is pretty much promised every day. Temperature is already 16 degrees celsius. The dandelion crop is going to seed and will soon cut the rest of the lawn. The bees have been very busy and hopefully letting the dandelions bloom will help them to survive. We transplanted two "Bleeding Heart" bushes yesterday that were daughter plants. The Hosta transplanted a couple of days ago are doing well. I still have a few more hostas to move but must find a spot for them. Still a lot of weeding to do and a couple of areas I need to figure out which are the weeds and which are the daisies to come. 

Yesterday we bought all of the seeds needed for planting along with some necessary gardening equipment like new gloves as the old ones are literally worn out. One bag of earth has now been emptied so the second one to begin soon. It will also go onto the land fairly quickly as well. The ground is able to absorb all the new earth and look pretty much the same as before. We are underlain with clay and clay does welcome as much rich earth as it can get. 

The new pier should feed all of those people who fled from Rafah to the shores of the Mediterranean Sea. It was a good idea the Americans had. People should really respect them more as they are a very generous people. 

The encampments are still on our university grounds making a dreadful mess. Really they should be made to clean it all up. It is fine to have your opinions but have them in your own backyard not on the grounds of publicly funded universities that taxpayers have to maintain. As well do think more honestly on the rights of the people of Israel to defend themselves. Just having the ability to do so does not negate their rights to fight back when they have been brutally and barbarically abused. Their hostages are still not returned as the International Court of Justice demanded that Hamas release the hostages immediately and unconditionally four months ago and they are still waiting for their people to be returned. The remains of three more hostages have been located and brought home. Young people at the prime of their lives barbarically murdered in cold blood at a music festival. No warning; no reason for attacking these young people just having fun on the lands that their ancestors have lived on for thousands of years. The Israeli people have seen it all - been enslaved, transported and generally abused over thousands of years. 

It was interesting that my grandfather commented on that when I was a child watching those newsreels of the Concentration Camps when I was just a young child. That was when he talked about the ancient British being descendant of one of the Lost Tribes of Israel. Perhaps they escaped and were trying to get back home to Israel but they just lost their way and ended up in the British Isles just recovering from the Last Ice Age as the glaciers melted revealing an empty land except for the wild herds of animals they had likely followed to find these Isles. Amazing really how stories emerge in a country.

Perhaps some outside work today in between the rains we will see. 

Exercise, breakfast and Latin on the agenda next.

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